Termoil The Maglev train speeds through this urban map, dont get caught! Based on the HALO 2 map, Terminal. 4-12 players. Remember 'That map with the train' from Halo 2? Well, it's back (At least the train). The map consists of two bases, one on east of foundry and one on the west (The station). They are seperated by a large railway line running down the middle of the map, originating from the west base. There is one crossing on the line, allowing all vehicles smaller than the Wraith to pass into enemy territory. A train of dumpsters passes over the line every 20-30 seconds, with force enough to kill a player with full health. There are also a number of gun platforms and mini-bases, including a sniper tower and a power station, which can give a tactical advantage in a game of Team Slayer. The map is designed for team slayer matches. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Key Weapons and Equipment Spartan Laser (In the power station) Fuel Rod Gun (Under the tracks) Sniper Rifle (In West Sniper Tower) Particle Beam Rifle (In East Base) Active camo (Under the Tracks) Other Weapons BRs Needler Carbines Assault Rifles Plasma Grenades Fragmentation grenades Mauler Vehicles Warthog (In East Base) Ghosts (In West and East Base) Mongoose (In West Base) The track is seen in covered with fence walls in order to prevent the dumpsters jumping the rails. Be careful while crossing the tracks! East Base, with Warthog and Ghost. West Base - The Train Station, the carriages are the dumpsters in the groove of the track. The Power Station, the Spartan Laser is located inside the tower. Please comment and rate!!
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This map is very creative, i like the idea of the moving train on the map, i wish there was a second one but this remake is very close to the real one. Except for a little sloppiness here or there and the lack of geo-merging i would give this map a 4.5/5 because of the close replication. (if you put in the super bounces it would be a 4.6/6)
next person to comment on pics being broken will be infracted. It is a RULE here at FH that you cannot repeat that pics are boken/a post is wrong. Stop harrassing him and give him a chance to fix it. He doesn't need 10 people telling him.
This map looks very sloppy. Some places like this these example you could have merged(fence walls: Your ideas are ok but the way you put it together is not very good. The more maps you make the better you will get at it. Plus this map really looks nothing like termoil in Halo 2 other than the train.
Very, nice for a first post. It's not the most amazing map ever, but the forgeing looks very neat (Not sloppy) although you could smooth out the forgeing a bit, the fence walls and the bridges. Like Tristan said, it does look nothing like Terminal (Terminal not Termoil) but I'm okay with that. It's a really good first map, hope to see more from you!
hmmm... i like the idea but you should geomerge some of the objects (such as the open boxes) and some of your interlocking is a big sloppy. If you fix these and make a v2, the map will be better and more competitive. Good job otherwise! 4/5
It looks o.k. but the fence walls and the bridges on the boxes are very sloppy. And you have almost all power weapons. You have a spartan laser, fuel rod gun and two snipers. 3/5
Great idea but the forging isnt the best. I can't see the how it compares to terminal besides the train part. Some parts look really sloppy and the name looks familiar D: ...if you know what I mean
I don't even remember that map from Halo 2. I will habe to go check it out before I can comment a good review. But as far as I can see from pictures of Terminal on the web, it looks pretty exact. 3/5
It's average, but personally there are too many power weapons and too many vehicles on this smallish map. the reason why it worked for Halo 2 was because the map itself was so large. I, like many others, have notice the floating fence walls that subtract from the aesthetics in the map (I realize why they're floating, unlike others), so perhaps replace them with receiver nodes or weapon holders. That way people can fall into the dumpster's way and still be killed while the dumpster doesn't leave it's course. However I agree with other forgers that this hardly reminds me of Terminal from Halo 2. I'm sorry but the monorail was darting across the sky and the bridges, balconies, and skyscrapers just can't be remade on a smaller map like foundry. One more thing... could you make buildings instead of bases (better gameplay).