I have been a part of this community for like a month and a half now. I never got around to making an introduction thread, but I was bored tonight and decided to make me one. About Me I am currently a sophmore in high school. I live in Arkansas. I am a big sports fan that is passionate about his teams. My favorite sports teams are: Kansas City Chiefs, Kansas City Royals, Kansas Jayhawks, and Arkansas Razorbacks. I will stick with my teams even when they are in the rebuilding process. I have also won a **** load of money betting on them over the years. To throw it out there I made $250 over the Kansas Jayhawks National Championship run. I have my own justin.tv channel, and when I get my capture card at Christmas will be hosting movies and games there all the time. I also love my music. I am a hard rock kind of guy. Nickelback is too soft, and Disturbed is just right for me. Some of my favorite bands are: Disturbed, Korn, Seether, and Slipknot. Here is my favorite song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ATPpXEyH0U Hobbies Obviously my first hobbie would be video games. I love the Halo games, and most of all forging. I would not can me the greatest halo player, but I am pretty good. Right now I am playing COD WaW. I never played COD4, so I am not very good at COD WaW right now. My KD is around 1.3 right now. If anybody who plays COD could send me a FR that would be awesome. I am also a big Sports gamer. I guarantee I am the best NCAA Football 09 player on the forums. I murder everybody I play on live. I also love to play sports. I have played both basketball and soccer since I was little. I am currently playing both of them in high school. I started on the varsity in soccer while I was a freshman and will when I am a sophomore this year. I won't play on varsity for basketball 'till my senior year. Past Before I came here I modded at mutiple places. I modded at Legends of Forge before they moved to a website. I modded at LGnation, but quit because of the staffs stupidity. I also use to mod at FCC.com. I got tired of modding there because of a certain person and decided to step down there too. Future I have decided to stay here at Forgehub and become a part of this awesome community. For those of you that acctully read all the way through this send me a friend request and we will have to play sometime. If you reply below put "square" at the bottom of your post so I know if you read all of it. If you don't I will know you didn't and you fail lol.
tl;dr - You suck I rule case closed. Btw, I love all the little messages over AIM you gave me that you just might become active at ForgeHub... about a month ago. Lol. Welcome Tristan, hope you finally enjoy yourself here.
No. LOL. I'm just messing with you guy, I'll read it if it means that much to you. I mean, I'll obviously criticize it to the point where your in tears, then kick you as you're falling and stab in the heart once you're on the ground, but yeah - I'll read it.
welcome new member,lolol. well just dont spam and you be alright.and watch out for dragoncoals(he creeps me out)
Dang, nobody has read the whole thing yet. The first person who reads it all gets a cookie. BTW thanks for the welcome.
Ive read it (your welcome) i see you like video games and sports same with...to bad i don't have that much free time like most of u...my job to hectic....any I love the Kansas city jayhawks....welcome to forgehub.com hope you have a great time here!
This is my crooked square. Anyhow, Introductions are only for new members. Since you've been here quite awhile, this is against the rules. Quite a few topics got locked like this.
Hey, someone who read it. I love you lol. BTW I had no clue this was a rule and did not know that I was breaking one. I have never seen a rule about it anywhere?
You totally stole that from Scott by the way. Glad to see you migrated from those other crap websites to the best square
By the way, I have some dirt on you. I shall use it for blackmail one of these days sell·out (slout) n. 1. The act of selling out. 2. An event for which all the tickets are sold. 3. Slang One who has betrayed one's principles or an espoused cause I don't have very many principles or an espoused cause. Therefore, I r not selloutz. I just realized that I was blinded by stupidity and I realized where I wanted to be.
Well it is a good way to tell if people actually read it all. I am glad another person actually read it all. I feel bad for the people who didn't lol.