I updated the game with a few bug fixes and what not. Here ya Go. Just so we are clear, if this is not original, (i dont THINK it is because i got the idea from seeing the gametype termite on here, forgehub, i did not try to steal anyone's idea. im not trying to jump in on anyone's fame or fortune or anything.) Here is the Map: Floor Boards T8 The basic idea is that the humans are on top of these floor boards and the Termite is underneath (with low jumps and a shotgun at 300 percent power) and the termite has to "eat" the floor boards to make the humans fall so the termite can kill the humans for once. Its the termites turn to take revenge on the humans. The pallets respawn at a normal 30 seconds, but the fun of the game is, you can try to knock your team mates down, or you can try to assasinate the termite, because thats the only way to kill him. You get 1 point for killing a human, 2 points for killing a zombie, and 1 point for being the last man. Oh, and the last man gets good camo, just as an added bonus. Oh, also, it takes two melee's to break a pallet, just letting you all know in case you want to try to uh... knock your partners off maybe? Gametype Needed to play: Termite 1/ShotG
I was thinking of doing something like this, except having a shark concept with swords. It looks good, but I have several variations of this map including hobo heights, which is probably the most popular version. Another thing though, try to make your pictures larger so people don't have to click on them. You can size format them in several ways on image hosting websites. Just look up some tutorials.
Oh, i guess this isnt original or good as i thought it was then. XD atleast everybody that plays it has a good time though. lol.
Looks pretty good, but set the run time minimum to something higher so the termite can't eat all of the floorboards. Hey, I have a map named termites!
I like how you enclosed it, that is very important, so it seems like its your map and not someone elses, a suggestion I would make is to make this exact thing except put it on Ghost Town. If its about termites use the wood planks to fully express your situation. Many people overlook the effectiveness of Ghost Town. (Of course if you don't have the map pack then ignore that) Happy Forging! ~Randle $candal
i think you should have the respawn time at 20 seconds because that would balance it out a little more. also, like humboys said, set a run time minimum of like five or something. Good concept, though, and it sounds like it plays well, so i will try it out
Your right not original but i think i may enjoy it more than hobo heights hobo heights used spartan laser instead of shotty i think the shotty would allow humans to live a bit longer because hobo heights they dont last to long
Since I'm not blind, and/or can actually click on the pics, I will tell you that the map looks fine. Obviously, NOBODY should care about the outside because it is entirely played inside. Great idea, and AMAZING. 5/5.