Hai, I wish to partake in your forum's activities. I joined because I saw the Forging 101 videos on noobtube and was like jebus christo, that's my kinda thing. I then stumbled upon this website and thought, I should join this mother trucker. Another reason I have joined is to play in some custom games as I do not have friends on XBL that play Halo D: They all play COD. GT: CowardKLNGtime but You can call me Coward. I hope to have some fun with you all.
Welcome to Forge Hub! I hope you take the time to look at the rules and guidelines of our dysfunctional family.
Well hello Thar... I promise that you will enjoy your stay here at ForgeHub, and that you'll make new Friends. You can add me any time, but if you want to play any Customs with me, I'll most likely be playing MLG. And your Sig there is quite interesting, I liked it. GT - IB u IN N ii
Welcome to Forgehub. Before you start making threads and doing crazy stuff please read these all important rules. By the way the rest of the Forging 101 threads are found here.