Weedz is pretty amazing, or was. The new season playing now isn't so great, I just think the series went downhill by Season 4. It is still funny, but it isn't the same =/ But ya, Showtime is amazing, with Dexter and Californication alone. As for Black Friday, too hectic for me. Most of my day was spent driving up North so my dad could get this used dirt bike and back, quite exhausting. Then I went to a best buy to get a Dazzle capture card (because I wanted to get one this week, I could care less about savings since you have to be at the stores early) only to find out that they for whatever reason won't work with 64-bit Visit =[
Sure Black Friday does rock but the fact that you have to get their first where I live doesnt. My sister went to a shopping outlet at 11:30 p.m and had to park about a mile away. Then she had to wait in the lines in front of the stores. And then around 3:00 a.m she came back home with nothing. Although you cant beat the prices on black friday. HDTV's under $1000 rule.
I got some clothes for half-off. A new winter jacket, was $200 now $130. I also got my new LG Voyager for $70 off.
I got a wireless keyboard and wireless mouse for 50 bucks. [/ends confusion over whether price is good or not]
Wal-Mart death preventable, union says - CNN.com An interesting black friday story. I pretty much bought all the House seasons that were for sale, and got a new headset for my 360, the cell phone ear-piece/microphone wasn't working to well.
wow what a great deal man i never got close too that very nice job....man where u live you must have nice sales...