I just thought of something...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by wiggums, Nov 29, 2008.

  1. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    i you have auto look centering or whatever enabled, then whenever it is up, you are always looking at eye level, and as long as the floor is even, you can snipe anyone with only lining it up left and right!
    i tested this, and you can really move anywhere, scope in, and always be right on their head level!
    of course, you would have to deal with walking around with your reticule always moving places you don't want it to...

    any ideas, questions???
  2. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Hmmm, good point, I have thought of that before. However do you know how hard it is to turn the stick right and left only and not just a little up and down, PRETTY DANG HARD. I will try this when I get home, although most maps aren't straight up flat.
  3. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    no you just gotta line it up, then it will center, and kablamo!
  4. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Works well only on Foundry, because of it's flat floor. Same for SWAT.
  5. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    Would it not only work on maps that are level. It would not work on maps like the pit.
  6. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    true its been tested! cool idea though

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