Research Outpost #52 Created by Aitius As the researchers struggle to find a cure for the deadly Hungar virus, the zombies begin to stir in their cells... Base:Blackout Custom Gametype(s) Hungar Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ ___ ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch STORY Time: 21:17 hours Dr. Hansen-It's time to call it a night. Rodriguez, I'm leaving you in charge for the next hour. Make sure that you lock EVERYTHING up. Rodriguez-Yes, sir. Dr. Hansen-Tomorrow, I expect this place ready to go for the initial tests at exactly 08:00. Rodriguez-Understood. Dr. Hansen-See you tomorrow. (Dr. Hansen walks out. Rodriguez leaves the room to carry out his duties) *Forty-five minutes later* CRASH Rodriguez-HOLY SH-AUUGHH!!! Dr. Hansen-Rodriguez?! What the hell happened? Rodriguez!? Scientist-Sir, the hatch is blown open! Dr. Hansen-****! Scientist(s)-Sir, what should we do? Dr. Hansen-The emergency shield generator should last us about two minutes, so let's get prepared. Scientist(s)-Where the hell is the chopper? Dr. Hansen-I just buzzed the commander. They won't be here for another half-hour. Scientist(s)-Dammit *Three minutes later* Dr. Hansen-Oh, god dammit! The generator failed! *As the scientists begin to get picked off, the helicopter gets closer. It will be almost impossible to survive that long.* Well, I hope this little back story provided you with a good description of what this map is about, and a little scare . This map is an infection map based on Blackout, which incorporates some ideas from the "I Am Legend" map by Time Glitch and Y4ZT. But, there are some things that I would like to get straight. -This map is NOT a complete rip-off of the I Am Legend map. All of the puzzles are COMPLETELY original (except for one), and I did not take them from anyone else's map. -This map does require teamwork in order to survive. If you attempt to fend off the zombies by yourself, you will die. -Since this map is on Blackout, there is not penalty for falling off the edge. Because of this, people have been known to ruin the game by continually falling off the edge. GIVE THESE PEOPLE THE BOOT! In this particular type of game, you have two minutes as a human two prepare yourself for the onslaught. Now, here is what you must do to survive. ---FORTIFY YOUR BASE(S)--- One of the great things about the I Am Legend maps are the challenges you must complete to fortify your base. These are usually puzzles that require pieces to complete, and they almost always end in a teleporter becoming unblocked, so that zombies can not go through them into a part of your base. In this particular port of those maps, the puzzles are a little harder than usual, and there are choices to be made. Here is the first choice: ---THE GRAV LIFT CHOICE--- There is a grav lift in the center of the map. You can use this to either: Get the shotgun, or risk it (the grav lift) to try and fortify part of your base. *You can choose to use the grav lift for any of the challenges, but the only one that REQUIRES the grav lift is the reciever node that is underneath the three crates. There is no other way to do this challenge. However, this can be a difficult challenge.* The Gravity Lift Spawn The Gravity Lift in Action What it will block off (jump point from BR 1 to BR 2) The Almighty Shotgun The second blockable entrance is a very important one, but very hard to block off. It is the doorway that leads to the snipe tower ramp. This means that it is harder for the zombies to ambush you. However, to block it off, you must complete a short, but difficult jump course, and proceed to knock two barrels off of the reciever node. The Jump Course What it blocks off The final blockable entrance is an entrance to the Library, making it a very fortified position. To block this one off, you must roll a fusion coil over to the top of the lift area. Then, you must roll the fusion coil over the right edge, very carefully. The fusion coil will either fall into oblivion, if done wrong, or fall onto a platform, blowing the two crates off of the reciever. There are two possible fusion coils to use, so you have two chances. Correctly Finishing the Fusion Coil Run YAY! What it blocks off ---SCAVENGE--- In order to survive, you must find weapons. Now, this map is more about hidden weapons, than spread out weapons. The best weapons are difficult to find, and every weapon has a long respawn time and minimal ammo. Good luck finding the best! P.S. There are NO: Rocket Launchers, Fuel Rod Cannons, or any other massive power weapon. I had to do this, because the challenges would not be so challenging anymore. ---THE ZOMBIES--- The zombies have: 125% Speed Normal Gravity Starting weapon: Sword These guys are dangerous people infected by the brutal Hungar virus. Don't try to take them on one-on-one. Epilogue to story: *Only two of the initial team of twenty-seven researchers made it out alive. Eventually, the infected zombies die off, and the station begins the process of cleaning the dead bodies and blood. As a scientist sweeps through the station, he sees Dr. Hansen's skeletal remains, with only his tattered lab coat remaining. As he searches the pockets, he finds a small, bloodstained note that is barely legible. It reads: "cure-bthroom stalls, in vent". As the scientist reads this, he comes to a horrific conclusion. The cure had been known all along. Dr. Hansen had been trying to use the Hungar virus as a horrible weapon! At least the cure is available now. Civilization can be saved* Well, that pretty much covers my map. I'll probably have to edit some stuff, so I will be changing this post throughout the day. I hope that you enjoy this map as much as much as I did. Dowload the MAP here: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Download the GAMETYPE : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Oh, yes, I forgot to mention. AFTER 150 SECONDS, IT BEGINS TO GET DARK. AFTER 180, IT'S REALLY HARD TO SEE ---THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO COMPLETE EVERY CHALLENGE. YOU CAN EVEN GET THE SHOTGUN WITHOUT THE GRAV LIFT. GET CREATIVE!---
What I really want to know is where do the teleporter's go? And a little more of a description wouldn't hurt. Still, after having a look at the map, I reckon it's pretty cool. Maybe 3/5. Just because you finished the map, doesn't mean the map is finished. Add a few aesthetic pieces. Still, I like the idea of fortifying the bases. It sounds pretty cool. Still, I'm giving it a 3/5. Keep working on it.
Ok, sorry. I forgot to explain it clearly. By unblocking the teleporters (pictured), you block off part of a base. This works because if a teleporter is still blocked, you can walk through it. If it has been unblocked, you get teleported out to the middle of nowhere.
so zombies have to do a bunch or stuff to trigger switches and then it blocks a teleporter then allowing them to kill the humans??? or is this liek the standoff version of i am ledgend where u fortify and defend? either way, it seems fun. no rockets whoo! its also cool how u incorperated a jumping part into ur map. ill give it a 4/5 cuz i dont see what ur supposed to do from this thread but it looks fun EDIT: u posted the comment above while i was writing. i get the concept nnow. it looks cool. ill give it a 5/5
my map surviving heroes uses the same concept as this map. zombies wait for a while and then get realeased while the humans scavenge and do tasks. my map got lots of downloads but the main problem everybody had was that you would have to teach them how to play. It was annoying because it is a really complicated gametype. i love these advancced infection gametypes and I am surely downloading this map and I will see how gaameplay works. from the pics, 4/5 but it may improve when I actually play the game.
Thanks for that comment. I completely agree. Also, in case people hadn't noticed, think about why I named the virus the "Hungar" virus.
wow this a cool map. i like the idea of fortifying the base and using the teleporters to block and unblock the base. i like how you didnt use power weapons, which always boosts the gameplay. 5/5 from me.