Sandbox not going to be part of the "mythic map pack"?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well here is my stand on it all.

    Bungie caters to it's community the best. They have more constant updates, and DLC than most other manufacturers for just Halo 3 alone. So, we have become a little spoiled, but we aren't entirely at fault. I love Bungie advertisement for the most part. Obscure words and videos, hints in stuff, it's all great, but in the past they usually released enough info to tease us, but now it seems they are slacking.

    Late August/Early September we first heard about Assembly, and breathed sighs of relief for we were ready for some new content. Then came PAX, and people got to play Assembly. Shortly after, we hear about several other maps forming a Mythic Map pack, and were ready to receive them on one of Halo's anniversaries, but then we didn't. We didn't get as much as a mention of them, short of "Ya, no mythic, and no info. Sorry guys." That hardly counts as a mention.
    Well hear we are, 2 full months later, and now All we know is we have to wait clear until February, but we aren't 100% certain it will be available for everyone at such a time. Instead, they have been talking about RECON (sorry, ODST) giving us info on it, videos, articles, plenty, but made it clear it is almost a full YEAR until it is released. That's great, at least they are giving us info on something, but we know we have to wait so long, and know maps are coming sooner then that, so at this point we really don't care so much about ODST in comparison.

    However, BlazeisGod posted a link to a scanned magazine with a RECON article, but also discussed the new maps coming "this February", but there was hardly any info. Thank god their was 3 pictures of Orbital. However, to my knowledge, very few know such an article exists, so for all practical purposes, the majority of people still have no idea what to expect in these playable maps.

    I could care less about Assembly and Orbital. Sure, I bet they will be awesome, but I really am not so interested with Sandbox concerned. But here is the thing. To my knowledge, they haven't said **** about it, and everyone is talking about it as the ULTIMATE FORGE MAP as if they said so themselves. Our expectations are soaring, we a hoping for the best, a big empty room, more items, and a better budget. But we are forgers, and any GOOD forger makes a map with plenty of planning, and it takes time. So, naturally, if we will soon be forging on Sandbox, I wouldn't mind sizing it up now. It won't leave us starving, it will give us time to determine a basic understanding of the extent we can pull stuff off. Face it, we have NO IDEA what to expect in this. We can get a whole new foundry, just as BS as before with unnecessary geo-asthetics, or we can get a big open room, where we can select the texture of the floor, but as we work we get a nice grid pattern to work with. I doubt that will be the case, but it would be nice to know now.

    As chrst said, him and I are working on something big, I mean big. I won't say much now, but we view it as an evolution in forging. What we are doing now in Foundry will work, but barely, but we can't come close to what are imaginations are dreaming of because Foundry is too limited. Really, we need to know what Sandbox will be now, before we really continue, or else we may become dependant on something that will never see the light of day, and then we are screwed.

    So what I am saying here is, they don't need to flood information, but right now they haven't really provided anything at all, and we don't know if we should really look forward to this or not, or if we will just be disapointed.

    EDIT @ LordVurtax:

    That isn't Sandbox, and if it is, I am already disappointed. Actually, I could explain why it isn't, but I already typed to much. Just rest assure it isn't, or better not be. First off, it really doesn't look that big, not saying Sandbox will be, but that doesn't look big at all. Also note that it isn't a "box" it's walls are hexagonally curved, which would suck for forging. Also, this IS Bungie, and they released that a LONG time ago knowing everyone will eat it up going "OM NOM NOM NOM FORGE MAPZORZ!" So ya, it's not Sandbox (I know you said speculated, but it won't be reality).
  2. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Basically, they could just tell us stuff now and have a big gap of nothingness after, or have nothingness now and tell us later. Whats the difference?

    And as has already been said 3 maps not 6.

    Anyway, my point is we have what 20,000 accounts here? Most of which are inactive and second accounts. The halo online community is on average 200,000 strong? Probably more. We are at about 1/10th of the halo community, give it 1/5 or 20% at the absolutely most who care about forge. That means that 80% of the halo community has little reason to care about forge. Seems like some good info to release? Tide the community over, but not something too huge. Except to us it would be...

    The only thing I can think of is that it must be something big. Something that will make a mass impact.
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    all six maps are considered the "mythic" map pack, they are just splitting the release in two.
  4. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Same diff lol, basically I mean we aren't getting them all come february.
  5. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Yeah, there is five anyway... You can look at the achievements.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Yeah the whole entire mythic pack (all 6) are done if you've listened to the podcast, but micro$$$$$$oft is in charge of all dlc so yeah thats why we're waiting so ****ing long. At least sandbox comes out in february though.
  7. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    Last week's update, at the very end.
  8. XI KuRuPt XI

    XI KuRuPt XI Ancient
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    i hope they increase the size of custom content
    so i can save some more maps because
    everyone will most likely be forging something cool when
    the new map pack comes out
  9. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
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    Yeah me too,

    Immovable forging objects FTW!!
  10. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    There are six maps. You must have missed one. Assembly, Orbital, Sandbox, Heretic, Longshore, and Citadel.

    Oops. Must have missed that.

    I doubt they will. This could've been done a while ago when all of the other maps came out but they didn't. Maybe after all six maps are out.
  11. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    0 know were not the only people that like to forge right? I would say 80% of the community would care about forge info. We're just the fancy forgers!
  12. Realistic

    Realistic Ancient
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    Sandbox was shown twice. Once, it was shown at the end of the Edge Acceptance Vid, and another for the Gphoria vid.

    I conclude this because the first one was a large, empty gridded flat floor, with one tiny section of map on it, while the second one looked like a few chunks of the same type of material used in the first video, linked together.

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