This is my first race map. it took me while to make (1 week) here the link : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Now the pics The begining of the race. The Way up the race. Easy turn. Dont fall off. Overview of right side of map. Overview of left side of map.
Dude i should report you for stealing this map but i won't. anyways i have played this map many of times and it is very fun but try not stealing someone elses map and then posting it because that can get you in alot of trouble here on Forgehub
That is spam please revise Um The map looks good but I am pretty sure that it is stolen or at least a part of it is and the rest is edited. Read the rules before posting
i didnt steal this. it was made by me.i just finished this map today. all i did copy was the Bridge part. it was amd ein a different map but i made it in my map.
No matter what it is still considered stealing a map even though you took it and edited. if you want to make a v2 you should ask the maker of the original map if you can
I am almost positive that this is stolen. It looks exactly like the one I played. It has the same beginning area withe the mongoses aligned that way.
This is definitely stolen from Cheesburger or whatever his name is. Please mod lock, or delete this post.