I had a lot of request for this, and I hadn't made a Forge School in a couple of weeks so I decided to make this. Please note that there is a few rough parts I forgot to clean up before I rendered it. And it took around 4.5 hours to render. Sorry for that, there only quick. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4EFei9zGS8
and blood does it again folks..... Great video Blood, but I lost faith for a sec when the box was like a corner in the top left of the back hallway
This felt a little rushed to be honest, and not as good as the previous ones. The intro didn't feel as smooth and nice as in the past, and the Rick Roll didn't help. In addition, your forging was a bit rushed as well, and sloppy, and considering it really messed up in the beginning, it would have been better to start from scratch, instead of continuing.
I don't feel it was rushed at all. I got the whole picture and know exactly how to do it now. You make really good videos which teach me new things everytime.
lol when you mentioned wasnie i was just like: "O" "M" "G!!!!!!!!!!" and i messaged him immediately. he must get messages a lot, so no one should really expect getting recon, should they? nice tut. sux that you messed up, but still good nonetheless. always wondered how to do this, and im surprised its so simple. (well it seemed simple enough) don't stop making these vids!
Haha when I saw the post I was like uh oh bloodfire did it again, but anyway nice job I liked the intro lol I remember once when inferiorpigeon geomerged a double fence box back there and it was invisible and you were walking on nothing lol
When your rushed and need to make a video fit in a 10 minuet bracket, its REALLY hard to keep it perfect. Sorry I couldn't have a perfect back Ally way merge in 7 minuets and 15 seconds. I could have re-started but it wouldn't have made a difference. The point of the video was to teach people to do it, not for me to do it perfectly. And the video dose teach people. The intro was meant to be funny, as the majority of the online population finds Rick Roll funny, so I did that. How ever I do agree it was sloppy, like I said in my post, it messed up and I didn't see it before I rendered it, you should have read my post before you watched the video. Oh well, I guess you can't impress everyone.
i thought the beginning was a good addition, and its not like you can't replay parts or pause, so i dont think it was rushed. he should have started over, but can you blame him? we still learned a lot!
Perhaps I was a little critical, and didn't get across what I wanted to say correctly. Your previous videos were pretty good, and over time production value should go up, and for the most part it has, but this one felt slacking. It is better than most could do on this site, but you could have done better is what I believe. Also, making it perfect could take awhile, but keep in mind you don't have to show everything in a tutorial video. You could have easily cut pieces out since you just geomerged over and over again, to the parts when you had to do some tweaking. Unless your audience is suffering from brain hemorrhages, they should be able to figure it out. Fast forwarding shows what you are doing, but that is something most people would do anyway if they were given such power on youtube since they figure out that the process is repetitive. In the end, cutting sections out is the quickest and easiest way (not to mention effective) to cut down on video length. Perhaps I am still coming off wrong... But what I am trying to say is, is that you probably show the most skill in this field out of all the idiots I see posting their little videos or acting as if they know what good is, and that you could clearly do better, but are holding back. This was a little rushed, and while I understand that it is meant to be quick, but production value should be priority. I would hate to see another person make videos because no matter what people will like it for what it is, and not improve and remain consistent. Nevermind, I still came off as harsh =/
Is it necessary to argue over a video that didn't make anyone any money? No, so leave it alone guys. Basically, bl00d sweeny was saying he normally likes your stuff and was disappointed with this one, and thats allowed. No one should blindly follow a person and like whatever they put out. Once you've got an audience following you, you need to respect them and the caliber they've come to know you by. Rushed, yes it was, and you saying so doesn't change that. Why you only had 10 minutes to make it I don't know, but if it was 10 minutes until you went out for supper, than why not make it when you get home? You don't rush a map because you are leaving soon, so why rush a video? Maybe you had to return your cap card in 10 minutes..I don't know. As for the video, I liked it fine. Yes it taught people like it was supposed to. But all sweeny was doing was giving you some advice on how to better your videos. Keep in mind, I cut out all your fast forwarding by skipping ahead on the buffered video, so you might want to look into cutting parts in future works. No bl00d, you can't impress everyone, nor should you ever expect to. The more well known you become, the more people who dislike you, or the things you do. Thats fame, and around these parts you are pretty famous. Not saying sweeny dislikes you at all though. And for the record, a Rick Roll is like my neighbors dog who won't stop barking. Beaten-to-death.
it would be great if you made a geomerging ramp tut, not the angled, but a ramp to a box level height