Wow, much more professional, really enjoyed it! Loved the Sniper Killionaire on the Recon owners, the whole sequence was great. I was wondering for the Power Drain and Regenerator test, if you threw them at the same time if they would cancel each other out, since in the episode, the Power Drain could've proved dominance over the Regenerator because it was thrown second.
omg how do you get 10 peole with recon on. LOL. I have never even seen the armour in a game. I am trying to find some1 with it. ANyways, great vid, I always love watching these.
We tested it three different ways. PD first. PD second. Same time. And they all resulted the same. We just picked a random one to use for the video.
haha I know 3 of those Reon poeple. Me and Insane played some games with them. I especially liked the Epitaph platform one. At first I thought it was impossible. But wow, that was interesting. Great job.
I knew one of those guys. Flowers. Anyway that was a great Mythbusters (and the first one I've seen lol) The sniper killionaire was insane and removing the platform in Epitaph was pretty funny. I didn't know you could do that. Maybe I'll try it sometime.
no ive tried it, if you have a regenorator and a power drainer, your shield ALWAYS goes down. no matter what. also, they are running out of myths, but they are doing a better job with the videos.