He did the normal out-of-map glitch with the chopper and then walked all the way up. I did that once, too.
I've gone that high before. It's pretty fun. Sometimes I jump off but I try to stay along the walls sliding down so I do not fall to my death.
I did this with my friend. Youtbe search getting out of the Ark. We got out a different way. But just as high. To do this you neeed to ghost jump onto the ledge, walk around to the tall structure thing on theright hand side, and warthog jump out of the map. Its pretty difficult though. I give you props!
My friend and I didn't even do the ghost jump. We just walked up. When you get to the area with the Spider, you go all the way to the left and down some more and there's a ledge that's just high enough that you could jump on someone's head to get up there. Form there you get make your way all the way around to the top of the Ark.
I could not find the pic of the higher one, but I remember it was much higher than that. He also used some glitch. He did not walk up like you guys.
no you cant go higer than that, its just below the death ceiling, and its specific location is on top of the tower next to the scarab fight, and oh no Chombie got warned why mods, why.
I've done that before. It is really cool to get up that high and then jump down to your death. Your shot is pretty cool and the view shows a lot of what you saw. Nice job.
wow...how did you do that...wait how did you get out of the map, by the door or on the building the arbiter is dropped off on?
okay what you do is use grenades to get the wartog on the building, then one person wait to kill the scarab and the other person goes out of the map to the warthog, once theyre in place kill the scarab to get a checkpoint and warthog jump on the tower.
Dude... thats high up man. I would get bored just walking that far. Nice pic though, its like Ultra Sniper.