BY: eXn I Dane Brief Description Nasty Neighbours is a competitive yet fun map to play on. It is pretty much team doubles with an Assult like feeling. There is two bases on either end of the map. The bomb is located in the middle of the main building in the back. To get up to it there is a few different jumps so be on the look out. There is a sniper just above the bomb or on the top of the main structure. This map has an MLG feel to it as almost everything is either geomerged or interlocked with something. So it is very smooth and has a great overall flow to it. In The Making This map was not just thought of one day and made the next. Nasty Neighbours has been in my mind for a very long time. I wanted to make a map that had sort of like a grifball feel but with a competitive twist. This was worked on in my free time in between practicing with my MLG team to messing around on custom made racetracks with my friends. I have been working on this map for a couple of months now. And i just got done putting the final tweaks on this map this week. Gametype : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details About the Gametype It is called Neighbours. This is an Assult One Bomb gametype fit for the map Nasty Neighbors. Fit for Team Doubles. With the normal 10 second respawn in play and all the other normal settings for a Team Doubles One Bomb. Weapon List Weapon - # of items - Respawn Time - # of clips Battle Rifle x6 30s 2 Sniper Rifle x1 180s 2 SMG x2 30s 2 Covenant Carbine x2 10s 2 Plasma Grenade x15 10s - Frag Grenade x11 10s - Active Camo x1 120s - Pic Descriptions A Side Spawn *B Spawn is the same A Side Secondary Base B Side Secondary Base The Plant Location Both A and B Well i hope you enjoy this map remember this was not made by me it was all done by eXn I Dane Download Links Map : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Yes and no This is only the second time and i just redid it eXn Dane is my good friend and he is german so he dosnt have good English so he told me to make it better.
Yeah, even if that other guys isnt good at posting maps cause he has bad english, I still wouldn't post another. You could get infractions or something, its just not a good idea. Anyway good map though (LOL)
Seriously, you should have just edited the first post rather than posting the entire map again. Anyway, good map, It has great interlocking and fills most of foundry with a relatively simple design. I like your idea behind it.
Message a moderator to get this locked, and wait until you can work things out with the other user. Don't create another thread just because you can't edit the original.
Ok well tell a mod to lock the first one i have eXn I Dane`s approval to make this the one we keep i just got done talking to him