Well it's on sale at Target this week for $40, so maybe if Equity brokers pays me this week, I'll go get it.
Portal 2 should definitely be a full length game, if they make it though. Team Fortress 2 is a lot of fun, just the lag is frustrating at times.
http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/videos/20385/Face_Time_Portal.html?videoCategory_key=1 X-Play interview with Kim Swift, lead developer for Portal. Go to 2:55 in the video.
At first I only played portal but then I started getting into the half life games and couldn't put down the controller.
portal was pretty fun. the computer gets very anoying (reminds me of guilty spark). I treid team fortress it was slightly intresting but would get boring farliy quickly. I thought the spie was an intersting idea for an fps.
Portal s definitely the best but Team Fortress two and HL2 are really fun! I played it at my friends. At first I only cared to play portal but then tried HL2 and TF2 and they were awesome! TF2 has great multiplayer!
With the ideas of portal come portal mods. I've seen Halo CE and Halo 2 ASHPD (Portal gun) mods that work by coding the gun's projectile as a plasma grenade with the surface properties of a two-way node. It works just like in the game. To bad that only the really smart players can use it effectively in Halo's combat situations. It would be devastating in halo 3. Shoot a portal on the floor beneath the entrance to your base and link that portal to the side of a cliff. Think of what it could do for big team CTF!
Yea, suprisingly... I havent touched portal yet and I have had the Box for a long time. I thought that portal was going to be the only game I was interested in but right now im trying to stop playing team fortress 2 and Half Life 2... I CANT!
portal portal portal remember the good times we had when i pretended to kill you and you was like no way
I just got this game last week on Friday. It's awesome. One level away from beating Portal, played just a little bit oh Half-Life2. I like Team Fortress, but I'm upset that not that many people play it, so it's hard to get full games
I have it and it's great value and great games. Portal's my favorite but HL2's awesome. I don't play TF2 much because not many people play it and it's hard to get a full game. I want to see a gravity gun mod for halo. Imagine shooting fusion coils across a map at other people.
I didn't exactly get Orangebox,I got Portal for computer via Steam. It's eminently appalling in so many ways.I did find one glitch in the Testchamber where you get the Aperture Science Center orange portal deployer.You are able to get out of the map.It's dark and in most areas it carries out the random coloured pixel graphics glitch.Anywho, what were the ratings?