If you vote Other Vehicle, please leave a description of what vehicle you want to see. If you vote New Vehicle, please leave a description of what kind of vehicle you want and what it has and all that wonderful stuff. EDIT: This is what vehicle you would like to be on a map that is in matchmaking, bungie could semi easily make a map and have some of these vehicles on forge. Some already are forgeable.
A non overpowered gunship. Basically, it should have one turret, that fires about twice as fast as the normal turret, that is four times as weak and a 4-volley of rockets that are a bit weaker than the missile pod rockets and it should be roughly as fast as a banshee. And it should move more like a gunship, basically moving downwards in quick sweeps, and firing rockets. That would be my favourite vehicle. Except for the chopper of course!
I would say a Scarab. The map would have to be humungous, but it would be awesome. Just to be able to find out what it is like to drive one of those suckers would be awesome. Just think of CTF with all of the opposing team in direct fire. XD
I've always wanted a huge map where air transportation was needed. I can imagine bailing out from a pelican into the enemy base, taking the flag, then rushing back into the back of the pelican with guns blazin'. That would be so much fun.
For me, no Halo vehicle beats the Pelican, apart from possibly the PoA, if you can call it one. After that its the Warthog. Sorry didn't try to turn this thread into favorite vehicles, but yeah if there was a good way to implement the pelican into matchmaking it would be awesome, as explained above
Giant vehicles,lets face it we all want em Im talking scarabs (i dunno cram a few different variations of the massive uber l337 gun of awesomness) Large human gunships(kind of like a flying warthog with two gunner positions and a pod rocketer postion and ofc a flyer with a few passengers basically im askin for an LAAT XD mayeb even some sort of aquatic map?with boat vehicles and do the elepant idea properly with mbattleships blowing the everliving crap out of each other when mongoose like boats...(with a gunner turret ofc) swarm around trying to baord each other and grab the flag.... wait this was makin up stuff for bungie to do right?lol jhust makin sure it wasnt you wonderin what vehicles people want for their forged maps
actually yeah,space combat could a be a really cool unique selling point for bungie next big hit(whether it be halo a marathon remake or whatever-long as they dont make a car racing game il buy it lol) use of jump jets / jet fighters(cant remember what they're called) and ofc the giant railgun of unltimate doom the MAC
Pelicans. Bungie could create a huge map, with let's say two bases. Give each team X Banshees, Y Hornets, and a pelican. And they could have some Missle Pods and Lasers at each base, as well as some basic weapons. The only way to travel from base to base would be by vehicles, as below would basically be an auto death. It could work well for two team based objectives map. Imagine chasing down the opponents Pelican that has the flag and harrasing it with Banshee and Hornet fire, hoping to take it out before it can land. Intense.
Thanks guys for not ragging or dissing on my poll, its my first one and i dont post here a whole lot. Wait, is ragging and dissing not allowed on forgehub, i feel like i read that here or somewhere like here.
I voted scorpion tank. Why isn't it in matchmaking? Is it too overpowering cuz its shots fire so fast? Edit- I mean, not rate of fire, but how fast the bullet travels, unlike the wraith.
I'm going to vote "New Vehicle", because now I can tell you what crazily-designed vehicle I want . I think the UNSC should have a common air jet-like plane that has no weapons, but the ability to carry 3 people (the driver + 2 passengers). It will have the speed of a banshee (with boost) and sort of be similar to a bomber. And if I had the choice, I'd make it have cool animations and sound effects when it gets shot down. Picture it; a missle pod is shot at it and the driver dies. The two passengers are trapped in the plane, which is now doing a death spin back to earth, as a loud warning alarm streams through their speakers. Then, when it hits the ground, there's a nice explosion and then the passengers die.
Troop hog+ Hornet+ Pelican+ a Puma (6-wheeled warthog) - Scarab (NO SCARAB. EVAR!!!)= Map winsauce. Even the ability for those in forge...
the hornet is a multiplayer pelican and if it was the pelican, it would just eat more bullet or lazers or rockets or plasma pistol if ur into that. if there would be a hornet in mm a sentinal beam should be added (kills the pilot real quick if u aim at the cockpit)