I really want flame grenades because if bungie introduced them, they should use them. I feel cheated.
None, and the only one I could see Bungie possible adding is Flame Grenades, but they're not there since they can basically give you an instant kill with no threat of dying, since they basically kill on contact.
Flame grenades are just like sticky grenades... And anyway, flame will be the only grenades. Don't feel cheated either. The only reason you should feel cheated is if you only play Matchmaking. If you play enough customs you really get annoyed of flame grenades...
The thing about stickies are though, as that other person can still kill you with the grenade's splash damage, or the couple seconds they have to keep shooting until it explodes. Flame Grenades take away both of those.
No, you do not die immediately, you have the same amount of time as a plasma grenade. I agree with the splash damage thing, but if you walk over it, you get hurt, and you cannot teabag. Also, a Spike grenade does no splash damage unless it is aiming at you. And it kills faster than a flame grenade.
Flame grenades... b/c that is the best choice... I would really say Invisibility/ invincibility (form Campaign) equiptment. Those would = win.
I would say Flamies based on your choices, but if I had a choice, a Gauss Hog would be cool, maybe just in Sandtrap, but still.
Firebombs all the way, dude. They would kick some serious butt on LIVE. It would be awesome to flame both players at once... "Double-Flame!"