i use the beam rifle the most in customs, but of coarse the human in MM. the beam rifle is more fast paced and thats the kind of sniper i am.
I don't know why, but for me the circle reticle is easier for me to aim at someone than the elliptical of the beam rifle.
Yes, it is nice not to have deal with them, but when you are playing it is much cooler to get say 15 rounds of snipes then just picking up a new 100 beam rifle. I prefer sniper because it is much better to headshot but I am fine with both. When they used to have team snipers with both types of snipers in halo 2, I would use sniper and if I didn't get headshot. I would then switch to beam and get a quick body shot.
It really makes no difference in the end. I'm good with both. I just don't encounter the Beam Rifle in matchmaking. :-/
Sniper Rifle without a doubt. It can shoot more shots in succession than the Beam Rifle can with the same power. 4 shots should kill someone. Beam Rifle will overheat after 3, so if it was in a duel, I bet the Sniper Rifle wins.
i personally like the beam rifle better because of the rapid fire shot. i am not that great with it though because bungie only put it on one map and i havent felt like making a forge to practice with it because i am too lazy to do a simple task such as that.
I'll use either, but If i have a choice, I'll more readily take the sniper rifle. It just seems more natural to me I guess.
If I'm correct, the damage on both sniper weapons is exactly the same, it's just a matter of what your preferred firing method is. Looks don't really matter, but in my opinion the beam riffle is cool. And shiny. :squirrel_chatting:
Sniper is better than the beam rifle. No overheat after two shots, can pick up more ammo, looks cooler (lol), etc