The Rack on Tours

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by buddhacrane, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Xx Esotericz xX

    Xx Esotericz xX Ancient
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    Darn, Puzzle 8 is kicking my ass right now. Any help from anyone else?
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    No one is going to give you any hints, so don't continue asking.

    And Sage I got one of friends to let me jump on their head, up and out of the room. Other then jump on their head for that part, I beat all the other challenges.

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
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    this map is insanely adicying. i think i got so determined to it that i got a little nauseous. lol. i am currently stuck on puzzel 9. i was ready up top and u gave me a huge hint. thx. i cant believe i didnt think of that and so that was what the plasma was for. NICE. im guna go try it out now
  4. Ix Unseen xl

    Ix Unseen xl Ancient
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    lucky you guys, im still stuck on puzzle 5 :(

    currently grounded from xbox though cuz i have bad grades so once i get em back im gonna keep trying puzz 5
  5. coldevil123

    coldevil123 Ancient
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    not to sound pathetic or anything but i cant even get past puzzle one, please help?
  6. Ix Unseen xl

    Ix Unseen xl Ancient
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    if you want help, you'll have to talk to buddha because the hints actually help a lot more than you might think
  7. CLIFF X13

    CLIFF X13 Ancient
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    YAY!! I got through to puzzle 8. But now I'm stuck =.='. Puzzle 5 is a truely amazing puzzle, how did you find that out Buddha?
  8. actualdoor

    actualdoor Ancient
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    finally finished. i cant believe how retarded i am for not getting the really bad clue, lol it took me awhile.
  9. abrahamy009

    abrahamy009 Ancient
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    I cant get throug level 7
  10. CyanRaven

    CyanRaven Ancient
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    Are there supposed to be pictures for 1,2,5,8, and 9? I can't seem to see any.
  11. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I checked the pics and they all seem to be working fine. ImageShack may have had a temporary blip or you may want to do a hard refresh of your browser on the page (Ctrl + F5 on IE).

    Regarding help on puzzles: I'm not going to provide any more assistance than the clues in my pictures and hints. I can assure you that they truly are extremely helpful to you, if you read carefully and concentrate. I can not emphasise enough how much printing them off will help you.

    If you're not prepared to put in the time to work out my puzzles then just don't play them. I'm not going to give you an "Easy way out" with blaitent hints or a walkthrough guide. What's the point of playing a puzzle if I give you the solution? You may aswell go buy games that you can just watch complete themselves for you, oh wait, they're called movies.
  12. wertise

    wertise Ancient
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    I'm on puzzle 1 and I really don't get it. But I'm not asking for help. What I'm asking for is if there is suppose to be a picture for puzzle 1 because it doesn't show up on mine. There are other puzzle that don't show pictures. I could probably get through puzzle 1 with the help of the picture but sadly it is not there.

    If there is no way of fixing this would someone kindly explain the picture to me. Or something close to that. It would really be appreciated. Or maybe add on the description for me. Or if possible send the picture to me.

    Is it because I'm using firefox? I tried it on Internet explorer but the the problem still occurred except with Internet Explorer instead of no picture at all there is a small picture with a red X inside. But basically it doesn't work for both my browsers. Is this image shacks fault? Is this Buddha's fault? Is this my computer's fault?

    Please let me know I would like to finish this puzzle quickly and reward myself with a muffin.
  13. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Well, I've checked and re-checked. Cleared my cache, hard-refreshed, all to ensure the pictures are actualy coming from the internet and not my PC and the pictures are definately working, the pictures are on ImageShack.

    So I can only suggest that you clear your temporary internet files and press Ctrl+F5 on the first page of this thread.

    The other thing to note is I put descriptions ABOVE the pictures rather than below, so I hope you're not just getting confused and thinking there should be a picture above that first hint. (I'm going to assume you're smarter than that, but I have to point these things out)
  14. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    is this one of those maps were if you mess one little thing up you have to start the whole thing over again? it looks sweet i remember speanding hours on hell on earth and i still cant finish reoncarnation
  15. Ix Unseen xl

    Ix Unseen xl Ancient
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    no this isnt like that, there arent any wrong ways or death rooms, and you cant screw up and have to start over either
  16. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    thats exactly what separates buddha's puzzles from all the rest.

    he doesnt need someone to to the entire thing 3 times to finally get the right teleporter.

    the puzzles themselves are already good enouph to hinder you for long enouph, than to make a person do the same thing 4 times just to get it right.(in a certain sense)
  17. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    no i mean say you need to throw a gravlift at a exact place and you miss so you have to restart the map, did he do any stunts like that? (power drainer looks suspicious)
  18. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I got stuck on the first puzzle but found the 2 hidden weapons.. rofl! Great job, I have never gotten stuck on a puzzle map before! Great job!

    EDIT: I said great job twice, that's gotta mean something right?

    DOUBLE EDIT: Just downloaded all your maps, not the gametypes yet though cuz I don't have enough room, need to delete a few things to make way for your awesome puzzles! 100/5 Stars
  19. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I pride myself on ensuring you never have to restart my maps. You always get "Another chance". I'm all for promoting experimentation.

    I also don't create rooms that try to trick you or purposefully send you back to the beginning. I'm not out to annoy you, I'm just trying to provide you with unique and interesting challenges.
  20. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    thanks that really helps i remember one puzzle after hours of work i got to the end and miss placed a gravlift and had to start all over....

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