Don't look up, for the monster shall come. Paradigms shattering. Bodies falling. Jaws dropping. Yeah, it's kinda like that. And it's all happening this December... Debo Night 2008 Be there. Discuss in this thread. Note that this picture merely showcases what is to come...
wow im confused is this your map your making and showing us a preview, if it is. It looks great, I cant wait to see it all done. I dont know what the debo night is, but sounds fun
...Ahhh! Whoah. That's really cool. It's like seeing a Cloverfield trailer...what shall the monster look like? Obviously, I take this gonna be an aesthetic map. Whatever it is, I think it'll turn out awesome. Keep it up Debo.
I truely am astonished by this. If I'm not mistaken you are doing this with Filipe right? This is just remarkable, I cannot wait.
I remember seeing this picture weeks ago.... Hopefully you added more stuff to it than that, but all I can do is wait for a one of a lifetime map. I think theres going to be a revolution with this map...
The picture leads me to believe the legs are that of a spider of sorts. But, I'm trying to fool myself into it becoming a Corpser from Gears 2. Either way, I am pumped to see the predecessor to the Ire of Fire!
I remember seeing this picture a while ago too but it's just truely original. Like the scenes in the movies where the guy looks up and sees a giant monster walking right above him. Great forging skills too.
According to Felipe, geomerging on Blackout is a real *****. And he's geomerged STAIRCASES VERTICALLY. This map is a sight to behold, that's for sure! It's in testing right now and should be ready in time for Debo Night 2008!
This isn't Debo's map. Angry face. The Ire of Fire was both of ours because he designed it while I constructed it, but this map has been built totally from my noodle. He has been a great consultant in this map for certain things like weapon placement though. And I'd like to thank you for promoting it in Debo Night, Debo. Just wanted to clarify.