Tremor Blast

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Creeping Death, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    **Link to new version now up. Changes include added bridge height at bases, an additional merged box or two, no more Goose in defenders base, and Brute shots respawn at 2 minutes instead of 3**

    *** Players: 7-16 ***

    Note: Ideal game would be 4 Tremors and 12 Mice.


    Tremors Blast is a variant created with many great variants of the past in mind, those being Tremors, Tremors and Mouse, and Brute Burnout.

    First is the influence of the original Tremors we all know and love. Just like the original you will have to navigate a map filled with structures and hiding places that keep you safe from the Tremors. However, on this map things get really interesting in the form of boxes to jump on and mini tunnel systems to hide in.

    All of the tunnel systems were merged into the ground to allow the Mice to enter and hide, but not allow the Tremors to enter. This is also true for the setups at both the Mouse and Tremors base. You can still keep to the top of the boxes if you like, but the tunnels are way more fun in my opinion. For those lost and lazy types that hate to walk, there is a rescue Mongoose in the cave area in the center of the map.

    Just like Tremors and Mouse you will be tasked with avoiding the Tremors who want nothing more than to splatter you all over the icy terrain of Iced Valley. Reach the Tremors base, steal the flag, and traverse your way back to your base for the score 3 time and you will win.

    Now you may be saying, "But Creep, what about Brute Burnout?" Well my friends, I have incorporated Brute Shots into the Mouse base for a little added protection against those pesky Tremors. The Mouse base houses 4 Brute shots set to 3 minute respawn and 1 clip. Originally you were to start with Brute Shots, but they proved to be a bit too powerful when everyone had one. So when you fire this game up, get ready to hop on a Mongoose, get a partner to ride on the back, and blast those Tremors away before you get splattered!


    The gametype is your basic Tremors gametype with a few tweaks. The Flag carrier will turn White to meld into the color of the terrain a bit and also gains a bit of jumping ability. In turn, base player jumping ability and speed have not changed. Everyone starts with Magnums, but they are just place holders for the Brute Shot and are basically pointless.

    Due to the magnitude of the map this gametype is 3 scores to win during a 10 minute period. Each player also has 5 lives as opposed to one. Basic Tremor honor rules are also in affect, such as:

    No shooting
    Stay on the Chopper

    No Hijacking
    No assassinating the Tremor

    As a new rule specifically for this game, Tremors ARE NOT allowed to pick up dropped Brute Shots.

    In Conclusion:

    I really hope you all enjoy this map and gametype as it is a bit cerebral and requires team work among the Tremors. Your best bet is to spread out and play an zone defense against the Mice since the Mongoose is more agile than the Chopper and if a Mouse gets by you it's hard to catch up unless they flip. Keep all your Tremors in one spot and you will lose quickly. You will need both the Map and the Gametype to play this variant. Enjoy!

    Special thanks to Lightsout225 for some layout suggestions, all the creators of the original games (Vicious Vice, Teh Mastar, TDF and company) and those who helped test.

    Download "Iced Valley"

    Download "Tremor Blast" Gametype

    Layout Pics:

    Tremor Base

    Inside Mouse Base (exterior aesthetically similar to Tremor Base)

    Tremor side Valley

    Tremor side Transition Valley

    Center Ramps

    Mouse Valley

    Action Shots:

    Ummmm....Uh oh?

    Duck MoFo!?!@!#!$

    I'll just watch.


    Never gonna catch meeeee!

    Just gotta get to that tunnel...

    Courtesy of Speed-e-cake
    #1 Creeping Death, Nov 28, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2008
  2. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    I played this today, and it was really fun, except for the fact that if you take the mongoose off the man cannon, you can get up onto the base. It doesn't really effect gameplay all that much, but your teammates can throw the flag up to you. Might wanna fix it, I dunno.
  3. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    This is the new version of the map that nobody has played yet and I took measures to stop that :0) But that and the fact that you don't start with a Brute Shot and you have to pick it up in your base are the only things that are different from what you played.
  4. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    Dude this looks really fun, the thing that impress me the most is the fact that there is so much geomerging which you very rarely seen on avalanche... I just love the looks of it, I wish I had some people on my friends list that play something besides forge and matchmaking or Gears of war 2(I can't blame them on that one).
  5. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    Sweet! I love these maps. They are so fun to play. I think that Avalanche is the best map for tremors. Anyway, great athsethics and great map. 6/5
  6. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    I love how you took so much time to geomerge every box so the tremors can't get you. But It seems that it is a long way for the mice to carry the flag. also, how long does it take for the flag to be returned? 5/5 great adding all tremor games into one
  7. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Dun worry guyz, I got him in the end :p

    What can I say, if Tremors 'n' Mouse is more like Cat 'n' Mouse, this one is more like Tremors, but don't forget the Brute Burnout added for teh epic launches and annoyances :D. All game ideas used to make this are great, so when you put them together the game runs well in both theory and reality.

    When you have a match with honorable players, this becomes one of my favorite games since the other variations. I like how you reduced the Brute Shot spammage, I didn't find it too overpowering, but it was a slight problem and Needlers were pretty useless, unless a Chopper was sitting still and the user was off a Mongoose (which isn't a good idea BTW).

    For the map itself, the interlocking and geo-merging are perfect, Mice can run in through the open crates without any problems that could screw them up and Choppers rarely get stuck in them (MLG Lemon Lime managed to get stuck in one so we all laughed at him). I love the man-cannon jumps, they spice up the map nicely.

    Thank you for letting me play test, it was a very enjoyable experience that I hope to do again sometime. Overall, I think this is the best game since Tremors 'N" Mouse, haz enough interlok 5/5 :p
  8. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    looks great. best tremor map yet. i like how u geomerged the single boxes at an agle, theyre perfect ramps! anyway, this is really great. cant wait to play with a bunch of people. 5/5
    btw, i love how in the "haxorz" pic he looking right at the camera. lol.
  9. breszhnev

    breszhnev Ancient
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    All right. No one else has said it so Ill say it. Enough of the dam tremors already! Lately there of been so many tremors and catch "a" mice games. There clogging up the feature nao list.

    Nice map by the wayy. The hiding places will be fun to hide in.
  10. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Lol I remember playing this today in Insane's party lol this was so fun. Very creative, aesthetically pleasing (to me anyways) and game play was good definitely a 5/5. Hope it gets featured! (Premium!)
  11. atc cvhawley

    atc cvhawley Ancient
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    i dont rely like i dont get the point of the map
  12. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This map lookz so fun. What can I say, I guess staff and mods just make good maps. I will DL right now and play with friends to test out gameplay, which I bet is already awesome (Lol, uber sucking up, JK) Looks like, people have already commented on this but, it might be a little long for mice to get through, however I will trust that you put enough boxes throughout the map for cover.

    Good job
  13. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    We just played this in Vice's TGIF. Everyone in the party had a blast, especially when we had a HaxorZ moment when the flag carrier was cornered by choppers and when he was subsequently was splattered, the flag flew OVER the central cliff on Iced Valley and landed right in front of our base, when i grabbed the flag and uncerimoniously ran in five feet for the capture....

    Creeping, I think youll be a premium very soon!

    Desert Rat 852
  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Oh Vorpal told me this was out and we played this as our last game in TGIF. The idea is very creative mixing tremors and flag on Avalanche. Not sure if it is fun because Avalanche is too big and I had black screen 1/3 of the game. Nice post. I hope when I try this again, I will have fun.
  15. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks man, much appreciated :0) I am sure you will be able to gather up some friends eventually.

    It is a long way, but you'd be surprised at how quickly you can get the flag back if you coordinate your efforts. And flag return in 15 seconds.

    Thanks Speed-e, yeah sometimes if you ram hard enough you can squeeze onto a box or 2. I only know of 2 that this has happened to, so hopefully there aren't any more. And the pic is epic so I thank you for that.

    Thanks man, those slanted ones were a pain to geomerge. There is one that ended up being more of an island than a jump, but the others are pretty good for jumps and temporary cover.

    Party Pooper.

    Thanks man, like I said a second ago you'd be surprised how quick you can get back if you coordinate your escape from the Tremor base. And yes, a lot of staff do make awesome maps. Most are also premiums or former Guilders.

    Glad you like it Desert! And FYI to you and others that have said the same thing, I am already Premium on top of Loyal and Staff :0)

    Bummer that you had black screen, must have been a big party :0/ And Avalanche is large, but I have supplied all of the Choppers and Mongooses for your traveling needs :0)
    #15 Creeping Death, Nov 29, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2008
  16. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow you dont know what fun is untill you play on avalanche on a map made by well you know..
    This map is great, I am glad there is geomerging because it makes the map more realistic and clean.
    nice job
  17. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    We played this in Vorpals TGIF. It was fun, after I realized what to do. The geomerging in perfect. Your right about te time it takes to get the flag. At first it took like five minutes, but then it was like two min each for the last two. Anyway this map is great and Vorpal got stuck under a box and I laughed at him. ^_^
  18. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    rofl, we got to play this at the tgif in vice's party. got to be a tremor and got a running riot!

    anyway, this was a ton of fun, and we kept playing it a lot. Very good idea to include the flag part of tremors to tremor and mouse.

    oh, and can't wait for that competitive version to come out. ;)
  19. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    WOW.... this is obviously worthy of a sizey reveiw... and will indeed be getting one from me...

    first and for most i would like to point out the overall look of the map... n one can build a tremors map... but can they give it the appeal and yet playability of this map...
    second... the geomerging is great not perfect but n now way hurts the gameplay...

    Aesthetic- 5/5 this map looks great no flashy geo camo needed... this looks great... the boxes and tunnels and layout give this map something over any other tremors map.... the map isnt to clutered either....

    Layout- 4.8 Sound.... it seems this would/will play great in TGIF's alot of ppl and alot of silly costy mistakes... the cover is spread out but still not to far that is impossible only downfall could be smaller parties... i no i no it says 7-17... but 7 might be a beat of a stretch,,,,

    Playability.... i will have to get back on this... SAD FACE... when i can get a party...

    Overall- 5/5 just great... nice job i can tell u put time into this and i cant wait to play this... hope i could of n the TGIF... but my connection just fails... hard... well i hope to post on your next map SOON... that means get forging....

    n some1 needs to get on the orange and purple... lol im really i dont no the word but thats what i am... n no dont post spam putting stupid thing
  20. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    This is really something. I already know how hard it is to make a noticably good Tremors map, but you geo-merged on Avalanche too! (That's a major pain for me to do...) The map itself looks great, nothing seems crooked or out of place. It's open enough for gameplay, while still supporting both opposing teams. 5/5 and great map! Like some of the others, I want to see a feature from this map as well.

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