Hi, this thread is for the discussion of tatics on non-forged maps for classic zombies. Here are some: Vahalla: usually out in the field where the mongoose spawns is a good place or over by the rocks by the waterfall base are good. Guardian: really hard but by the grav lift near shotgun that leads to where the sniper is. The pit: dont glitch under the stairs the zombies can just roll a fusion coil over. your best bet is to jump upstairs either by standing on each other's heads or by grenade hopping. Snowbound: stay near the edge so if they corner you can just kill yourself. Last resort: by the beach or jump to where the wires are over by the machine gun.(yes you can jump there) Epitaph: I guess over where those pillars are near rockets or where the shotun is. High Ground: In the pipes duh :0 Construct: over by Sword spawn. Isolation: I not really sure, i guess in one the bases underground. Sandtrap: on top of the sand hill on the opposite side of the crashed phantom New maps: Standoff: behind either base is the best place i can think of. Rats nest: on the pipes Foundrynoone plays this so who cares)
How dare you say that about Foundry. :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_rant: You shall be chased by my evil pet squirrel army for that! :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa:
Yes and what would you do? go guns blazing and just get owned by a zombie rather than stick together and do the smart thing: work as a team, get to a secure location, and hold out for as long as possible. for those who dont know CLASSIC ZOMBIES is a infection type where you spawn w/ shotgun and pistol with shotgun on map and NO infinite ammo.
classic infection is so good! i remember the days on foundation we'd start the game and yell "room 2! room 2!". Stragglers would get slaughtered and the 2 retards in room 3 get owned. Those were the days...
hehehehe as for working as a team, I agree, thats what you do... but you don't camp in a cheap spot like the pipe, thats freakin ridiculous... if youre gonna camp, you gotta camp somewhere easily accessible, where the zombies have a fighting chance... otherwise theres no point in playing, theres no challenge involved.
if u play zombies on foundy i say camp in the rooms on the sides cause theres no other way in other than the door.