Rich & Poor v.2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by bio, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. bio

    bio Ancient

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    Rich & Poor v.2
    Concept: ---- Money & Power
    Designer: ----- Bionauta
    % of map used: ---- 100%
    Layout: ---- Town like facades
    Map: ----- Foundry/ variant
    Interlocking: ---- About 40% of objects

    Definition: A real life scenario where the rich & poor have to fight for a living. 2-12 recommended.

    Description: It’s a Symmetrycal concept driven map that I made for laughs whit lots of weapons very aesthetic in design and competitive as well, and it is the first of 3 maps of what i consider to be my "Architectural Map Pack" the first being "Rich $ Poor" 2nd. "Symmetry" and the upcoming work in progress "The Museum". Melee attack and melee weapons are the fighting style applied or recommended for this Foundry/ variant but be sure to watch out for those 2 laser for they can be deadly as well as 2 S.B's.

    Interlocking is kept to a Minimalistic expression-- Neat and clean as most of my maps--The rich areas have lot's of weapons including shotguns under the beds & and lasers on top of the roof of the Covenant houses constructed mostrly of Fence Boxes structurally speaking and the other two are Spartan design like--Good hiding areas like behind the sofas or under the beds are recommended etc.-- It supports all game types including infection where the last men standing better seek for cover in the upper floor of the two story houses in the rich areas where the swords are or simply wherever you can.

    The first version of this map was criticized for having too much open areas and poor access to the upper areas of the map so taking that in mind i tried to make v.2 whit far more cover areas and access to upper parts of the map by adding more objects like for cover: walls, bridges and for jumps: dumpsters; V.2 offers even more aesthetic details than v.1. The last 3 pics are from "Rich & Poor v.1" for comparison purposes.

    Every respawn rate for powerups, equipments and weapons has been tweaked to fit the game play needs and balance and of course some spawn problems have been fixed too.


    2 x.. Gravity Hammers
    2 x.. Shotguns
    2 x.. Energy sword
    1 x.. Carbine
    1 x.. Battlerifle
    1 x.. Bruteshot
    2 x.. Assaultrifles
    2 x.. Spartan Lasers
    1 x.. SMG
    1 x.. Spiker
    2 x.. Plasma Pistols
    2 x.. Sentinel Beams


    1 (Flare)
    2 (Bubbleshields)
    2 (Powerdrains)
    4 {Frag Grenades}
    4 (Plasma Grenades)
    3 {Spike Grenades}
    4 [Firebomb Grenades]
    2 (Deployable Covers)
    2 <Trip Mines>


    2 x... Overshields---Respawn rate 90 seconds (overshields are hard to get you'll need to grenade jumpto get both of them that's why 2 work for this map)

    1 x... Active Camo--Respawn rate 90 seconds (center of the map)




















    Pic from v.1


    Pic from v.1


    Pic from v.1

    Download here:::: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Link to v.1: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Link to "Symmetry" : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Thanks to Bungie for a great game.
  2. tuf jaho

    tuf jaho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is a weird yet ok map. i would rate it 3.5/5 since the map name makes sense because some parts of the map are made so they look like a poor person is there and other places are like theres a rich person. good job though.
  3. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Sort of sloppy. I mean in the rich places and the poor places. I can still tell the difference though. Also, what is the big fence box thing? I seriously don't get this. At all. Is it for infection? I'm confused. It looks okay I guess.
  4. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I remember you having a rant at Matty's Aperture. When you bring out a map like this - you can't have been saying that yours was better?

    Anyway, on topic now.

    Even though you have used a interlocking, the map design has turned out quite sloppy - not exactly neat. It lacks a firm structure. The bridges layed flat on the ground haven't been used to the greatest effect and maybe could not have been used.

    Your weapon layout might be quite good in fact for this map but even for a huge brawl map, there are just too many power weapons. I'm not arguing that playing on this map won't be fun but it just lacks enough of a rigid design.

    3/5 from me.
  5. bio

    bio Ancient

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    when did i said mine was better?? and please quote me on that.

    The design of structures in this map is defined by concept that's the hole point they are "Houses" 2 of them are very straight in position of objects and the other two are decontructive by design so if they look sloppy well tell that to a covenant they like it that way but sure your's is an honest criticism which i enjoy for real not the usual 2 lines of "nice interlocking and it looks fun i'll download" but keep in mind that when you wrote this review you surely haven't played on the map so i recommend just 1 short game before cumming to the conclusion that a map is just "Sloopy" by pics.
  6. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    ehh, It looks a little sloppy, also, I think more of an elaboration of the map description wold be nice.
  7. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    when I looked at the first picture i thought this was going to be an okay map and then i saw the poor peoples homes only I didnt realize they were the poor peoples houses. i got about halfway through the pics when I realized the sloppy houses are the poor people. at first I though you were being lazy but i get it now. The map is pretty good but i think you could have added a little more to the map. i also have the question about the fence box thing. Is that a poor person thing or a rich person statue. With the rich people houses, why do they have mancannons on the roof. that confused me.
    anyway, 3.7/5 which is good and keep forging.
  8. bio

    bio Ancient

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    Thx for the post but i don't really know which fence boxes are you talking about? what i said in the description is that the Covenant elites Houses by design are structurally made mostly of fence boxes and are 2 story houses which you can gain acces to the upper flor where the Swords are by a grav lift inside the houses and yes the" Sloopy" houses are the poor houses and sorry i ran out of money to put more objects in the map but i don't think it needs more tough.
  9. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    This guy is a hassle.I get what your trying to do.Your trying to go for the,throw everything around feeling.But i mean,this is like your 2 or 3 map like this,don't you thing you should try to make a real map with a real layout???But if i was judging the map isn't too bad but i thing you should break away from this stuff.You have the potential,all you have to do is use it.
  10. bio

    bio Ancient

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    Tha's gotta be the best review i have seen of any map thank you so much sir for commenting on all the details about the map that even i haden't noticed. You guys are just pissed off about the Matty thing but what you need to understand its that this is a COMPETITION in which you should expect crtiticsm good or bad as it may come and i am sorry if matty didn't get my point but the truth is that fo rsome reason i told him respectfully that spawn problems where found after and only after i DL the map and tested it very well and instead of saying thank you i'll try to fix them NO i was banned and insulted by a lot of members here whitout me ever using those kind of words and this 2 maps where a work in progress long before the "Thing" so remember it's only a game of extreme competition and where not getting payed for forgin so try to have fun for once in a while and yes i am waiting for Matty's honest review of this 2 maps if he would like to do so.
  11. Soren515

    Soren515 Ancient
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    All i can say that it does look sloopy and it doesnt need to me. I can kinda tell where you were going with the theme but it was poorly executed. You can still make an area look poor without it looking sloppy. I would give it a 3/5. Try harder next time.
  12. bio

    bio Ancient

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    it doesen't need to me?? can yo be a little more specific please. Did you even download it or where you just judging by the pics?? and remember i only use non-glitched map's when forging i only use what i can whit what is given to me legally and about the map being poorly executed is just a non-racional comment since this map is being loyal to is concept and if you havent seen poor peoples houses that look like that well i have so i recommend you do some reserch on the subject about the diference in size, design etc. of a poor person house and a rich one to understand the map's layout and concept, remember it's a tridimensional map not a 2 dimensional picture you are supposed to judge and by the way i am waiting for your maps so i can judge them too where are them??
  13. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Man, I have played this also. I get what your trying to do with the sloppy houses being poor and then the rich houses being built properly, but this should actually be posted in casual maps not in competitive. This definitely should not be posted under competitive maps, and if I was going to rate it I would give it a rating depending how competitive the map actually is, which would probably be a 1/5. This isn't don't post maps in the competitive section and then expect praise for a map like this.
  14. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    theres your quote happy? and this map is pretty dang messy try to clean it up a little and next time explain your map better in your post
  15. KrayToR

    KrayToR Ancient
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    OK, the interlocking on some houses is REALLY sloppy, but the might have been on purpose. Although the map looks like it was rushed, it looks like alot of fun if you can get enough people.
  16. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Moved to Casual Maps. Too many power weapons on such a small map to be considered Competitive.
  17. bio

    bio Ancient

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    Yes Sir. one thing tough how can a map that uses a 100% of Foundry be consider a small map???
  18. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Sorry for wording it weird, what I meant was the weapon set is too large for the map power wise. Competitive maps on Foundry wouldn't have this type of weapon set. Perhaps if you took out one of each power weapon and centralized them rather than giving them to each team automatically.
  19. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I can't seem to find any pictures from v2. It only shows v1.
  20. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Map looks a bit too open. Which houses are the rich and which are the poor?

    Another one of your "Throw stuff everywhere" maps. It doesn't look good, but if it plays well, it won't matter.

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