Granite This is GRANITE!!! Gametypes Supported: ALL Weapons: Mauler Spiker Hammer Sword BR's Plasma Nades Nades Flamethrower Beam Rifle Pictures: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
wow you recreated the pit almost perfectly on foundry lol ^^sarcasm^^ it looks pretty nice but wats in the sword room? try to add more other than a few barriers and weapons and grav lifts tho 2/5 but scince its not on foundry it derserves a 2.8/5
Map looks pretty good, doesnt look like you really added much to the pit tho, added the TexturedSun effect to the rocket hallway, kudos for that, since its not foundry it deserves a mention but yeah, maybe put a bit more into it, something that really makes it different from the pit. so for now 3.5/4.8 because it's not foundry. Note: I can't dl so this is all from looking at the pics. Oh yeah and dont rate ur own thread, makes you look like an idiot
Let me guess, you rated your own map. It looks pretty plain, add more stuff and scenery into it to make it look more appealing. Why make a forged map on The Pit when you only changed like 3 sections? You could have done better. Try making this on Foundry. So far, all The Pit remakes on Foundry never impress.
2/5 i have 2 maps on the pit and know that you cannot just add a barrier and some cones to the sniper base anda gravity lift up there. From your post we find ourelves wondering where all the weapons are. And what it up with this flamethrower. Here is how you should do it.
this seems like a nice version to the pit you should try adding more scenery to it or mess with the weapons more but just cause its not on foundry i like it alot
This is most definately not a helpful post, this is an advertisement for your own map. NO. Anyway, I can't see this whole map (and can't DL stuff atm... XBox issues), but it doesn't look like much was really changed. I can see that you're willing to put the time and effort in to get something cool with that teleporter flower thingy (those take forever to line up right), so I know you can do more than chuck weapons at a map. Try to think of some really cool way to change the workings of The Pit, as opposed to weapons. Block areas off, or add new areas. Change the flow. Tweak it for a new gametype. Then post us a new map! YAAAAAY!!! 2.5/5
What is the point of saying "2/5, but since it's not on foundry 2.82343/5"? I'm tired of people doing this, you're just turning FH into B.Net. You're just looking at the pics, and since there's nothing pretty, you're giving it a bad rating. I just played a game on the pit last night with NOTHING pretty about it, it was all based on gameplay, and it was a lot of fun. People should probably stop commenting so harshly on maps they haven't played that don't "look pretty", and 10,000 pointless interlocks and aesthetic features that wreck gameplay. Phoenix: I think there should be at least two ways up to the training room, if not more, because it will promote camping if there's only 2 ways up. I like the cover down by sword to give a little protection, but I don't really think the hammer works down long hall because you already have sword. Putting the snipe down on the middle beam down by OV works pretty well, so maybe trying to put it where rockets normally spawn, the opposite side of the map from the Sword, would work well.
It's not a BAD map, but it's definatley not worth the DL. It looks like all you did was add some weapons and barriers to The Pit.
I like to see people trying to make good maps on pre DLC maps.. but there really isn't much you can do to change the map. maybe add a ramp up to the top bases using teles to support crates and such. I am glad that you are using the top bases of the pit though. 3/5
Way to be a douche man, instead of just calling maps crap why don't you either phrase it better like or at least giving some sort of constructive critisim before bashing it. To answer your question though he probably rated it himself. *sigh* Onto the map The map itself looks fairly good although the fact that the changes to the map aren't so dramatic means that gameplay won't be too different and if you have a map with similar gameplay to one on the disk, people are going to find it hard to want to download it.
Honestly this doesn't impress me much at all. I know I'm a noob and you wont take my critisism seriously but really man, you need to spice up the map. I"m not going to say that this map is horrible but you really need to change more than just the fact that there is a barrier or two spaced out with some new weapon locations. Try blocking rooms or adding teleporters to change the flow of the map. I do like the Teleporter apparatus that holds the grav-hammer. It shows that you atleast tried to make a map. I can't really tell if you changed much more but I dont think I'm going to DL it. Sorry. If you did make more changes to the map then why not put more detailed pics on it?
Well i will make a V2 right away but should i do boxes up to the room like stairs or a gravity lift???