So, I saw this .gif around the internet and it really does put into perspective how big the universe is! So much so that I feel very small right now. And imagine if you actually lived on one of those stars or planets! We'd probably be still exploring the damn thing!
Nope, since I still believe that I am very important, because all though very slightly at first I will cause everything to happen like it did. At one point in time without me the entire universe would be on a vastly different universe. With every key stroke I shape the future and so do you.
There's several gif's around like this. It's incredible to think about. It's all fascinating.
I don't feel inadequate, but **** the things are big. I actually looked more into (you may want to) and find out a lot of interesting stuff like if we replace the star with the biggest star ever its surface would touch saturn =/.
Holy! I agree with Whats a Scope. I don't fell inadequete, but my Lord! The pictures kept going, bigger and bigger. Greatly put together by the way. And I feel soooooooo small.
If anyone actually saw how the universe goes to infinity, there's a chance they would go insane. It would be too much to comprehend as a human. Doesn't make me feel inadequate, just supports the facts I already know. [I don't mean knowing the universe is infinite, I mean actually being put in a position to see for yourself] It's amazing, but doesn't change my point of view of the world. All the problems and things requiring action are right here.
Old GIF is old. Saw this several months ago. And no, it doesn't. I just feel small. But I'm used to that, I'm Asian.
=O We live on stars! It r hot there. I gun be like I live on star. Then I be like ow hot. Then I be like combustion and burn.
No, i'm rich so i'll just buy all those gifs and have them destroyed, then new ones will come out with a pile of all your money (small) and it will grow larger into my pile
I don't really feel inadequate. I mean I feel small, but I still have an impact on the world. Plus I am sure that there are stars out there that dwarf the biggest one in this gif, so the chain of big stars never ends.
Wow...holy ****. My mind can't even comprehend how big the largest star is. I think about how big Earth is, then that..... Its amazing what we find out now.
There would be no need to feel any insignificance. We live our own lives, in which importance comes through basic needs, relationships, or even material objects. In our every day lives, the size of our planet does not come into perspective, and it would be useless to compare ourselves to some planet billions of light years away. It just shows that humanity is a tiny cog in the elaborate clockwork of existence.
Not really inadequate. You see, the thing about seeing those planets is I know it's probably not very interesting out there. If there is some chance of intelligent life out there, I'll feel a bit more dwafed.
It doesn't make me feel inadequete, but i actually cannot comprehend how big some of theese stars are. That last one, for example, was so big, that if it was not labled, i would not of noticed the sun next to it. Absoloutely amazing, in my opinion.
What ever happened to the pistol star I had always been taught that it was the largest of all stars it was supposed to be larger then betelguese but i guess there are larger. Nice find