Story20 years ago this site was used as a spartan training facility the facility was testing a Biological contamanant when the tank exploded the contamanant killed everyone on contact and was quarantined. Weapons1 sniper 1 mauler 8 battle rifles 4 carbines 4 frags 8 plasma grenades Pictures sniper and mauler Blue base Blue teleporter Oddball spawn Red base Red teleporter _____________________________________________ Supports all mlg gametypes 4-10 players Download: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Too Open, Not enough (MLGing Space) Me being an MLG would not particularly play on the map. I didn't download it and don't know much from the pics though, so don't go jumping to conclusions about what I said.
Like Cydronix said. its waaaaaaay too open. MLG maps need lots of cover, better bases, and should be completely even. 2/5 nice try, but its time to go back to the drawing board
WHAT IS THIS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! This is the emptyest map I've ever seen on forgehub ever. Ever. I have no clue what to say about the map because there is basicaly no map. Seriously, put some stuff on the map. Jeez!
^ I agree, this map is very empty. At least put some dumpsters standing on end. just fo cover. I dont realy know what else to say. Work on this some more, then try again. good luck (Nice interlocking though)
Ok looks like you got a start of a layout but you seriously need to finsih up the map for its not finished in my opinion there is so much space that still needs to be filled up. Right now gameplay will not be that good
Every one has already mentioned the bad, Seeing as how your new to forge hub. Im assuming your new to forge period, because there is no merging or interlocking that I see and that alone would make the map a little better, check forging 101.
Agreed. This is WAY to open to be an MLG map. You'll need to add some structures here and there, otherwise it would get pretty hectic.