~Jump To Higher Consciousness~ Consciousness Map Description- This mongoose race track entitles 3 parts. My Space Mountain Concept, double lanes, and a sick jump. Map Layout- Watch your landing as you jump to higher consciousness through each lap you complete! There are only 5 mongoose on this track. Everyone starts off on a ledge, then drops down a double lane, to then squeeze in my Space Mountain Concept. Then from there you take a bounce ride up onto a double wide lane, reach the top of the hill, then glide down the ramp and up to the jump. Map Gametype- The gametype for this map is called AnF Racing, named after my clan AnF. This race track has my standard 3 go-to points. The go-to points are in a sequenced order and they change every 10 seconds. Download AnF Racing- Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Pictures- Note- Be carefull with the jump, you have to do it a certain way, don't bump into any walls before you grasp it. Download Consciousness- Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details have fun!
another post. wow. another good race track. This looks like your best track because of the banked interlocked turn. is the space mountain concept part the single wide lane that sort of curves twice. That may be a small problem with people falling off but it does make a map more competetive with trying to get into the front. Overall, this is a good map and i am downloading. Are you done posting maps yet. Really, 4 posts.
Wow... 4 maps in a row, plus all of them are racetracks... damn... I am very impressed with this map (this goes for all four of your maps) very interlocking and turns. All of it is very clean and all but one thing you might wanna do is to put grav lifts on the territory and make them going the correct way of the track. and put teleporters that make you die automaticall to preven cheating. Also one more thing you should put a starting gate, that really helps alot on these just to make it look and feel more like you are racing. Just something to help you get more downloads. You should put up one map at a time and wait for it to get off the front page then put the other one till you are all done. It can help you get more downloads sometimes because each map is up there for it's maximum time.
Very nice! I love ur race maps, they are really awesome, this one seems a little bland compared to the others, but the interlocking is still very clean, and it looks like a good track! Well done, 4 posts in a row *DANG* 4.6/4.8!
Okay... in my opinion you are one hell of a race track forger, you've already had all my downloads on the maps you've created. Overall i honestly think this is one of the most creative mongoose track I have seen yet posted on this website. The way you made nice smooth turn and nice interlocking. You, my friend, are going to be notorious for your unique sense in forging. Keep filling my hard drive,