This is my first map here on Forgehub. Basically, it's a round arena with several "waiting rooms" where people spawn. Each waiting room has a wide variety of weapons to choose from, ranging from a plasma pistol to a spartan laser. Each room also baosts 2 plasma, 2 spike, and 1 fire grenade. 60 seconds into the game, a platform spawns above the center of the arena. 120 seconds in, 4 mancannons spawn to allow access to the platform. 180 seconds, 4 more cannons spawn. The mancannons and the bottom of the platform are meant to be surfaces for bouncing grenades. As far as I know, the map is unbreakable. I would have made a third level to the wall, but I ran out of budget. I wish i could show pics, but as I'm kind of a newb to the forums, I don't know how yet. Just download it and see for yourself. The map is meant to be played with the two "Gladiators" gametypes, but can be can be used with any slayer game as long as there are no changes to the gravity and speed. I suppose infection would work too, if you were to try it. If you have any constructive feedback, I'd love to hear it. Hopefully I can make better maps in the future. EDIT Ok, now I have pics.
You need to get pictures up using photobucket
Follow that link that kilimanjara posted. Basically you just go into a custom game for a few seconds then end the game. Go into the theatre and take the screenshots you want and put them in your file share. Go to and upload the pics to photobucket, then post them here.
Welcome to ForgeHub! It appears that you are unfamiliar with the standards of this site. Please read all of the Rules and visit the Customer Service if you have any questions. Also, it appears you haven't a clue on how to embed screenshots; if so, please visit here. Yes, I know Kilamanjara already provided the link and don't flame me for it.
Im here to remind people that repeating that someone's post is not up to standards or that its lacking screenshots IS an infractable offense. He's already been told, and doesnt need to again. Any further mention of it WILL result in an infraction.
okay so the screen shot are working now... -_- anyway... the maps verrrrryyyyy symmetrical. but its kinda plain. this is a good template for other maps but compaired to all the other gladiator maps its some what boring. a V2 maybe?
Solo is right, it DOES look like a template map. It's just a blank, enclosed arena with a floating single box above and some man cannons to get on top of it. You definately could've done more to make the map better. But on the bright side, great interlocking on those walls! I honestly, don't know how a v2 would be possible for a map like this, because it's just too small to work with.
What do you think would be some good improvements? Do I need better weapon balance or more cover or what? I know it is pretty barren and I wasn't able to put in all the weapons I wanted due to the budget. Should I budget glitch for the V2? (If I make one)
Weapon balance is out of the question (cosidering there is only one weapon on the map). What this map needs is an actual layout. So far, all it is is a circle with a floating box on top. Add cover, add more weapons, add more rooms, add bases. This is a template map because it is just a blank space with almost nothing on it. You simply need more stuff in the map to work with. I can't rate yet, since the map (technically) isn't finished. It's a good start, just keep up the good work