[size=10pt]This is a great little game for a party of 2 to 12. It's snowball fight just in time for Winter and how it works is you only get points for sticking another opponent. Unlike the other popular game where you simply just have to blow another person up. What makes this one so different is you don't instantly die if you stand right on a plasma, BUT if you are stuck you will instantly die. Simple game FUNTIME![/size] Download FFA Dodgball Gametype and Snowball Fight Map Variant http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=B%20L%20AND%20TREVOR
Re: Snowball Fight (FFA Dodgeball) NEW I like where your going with this but what if you some how enclosed a part of snowbound so people don't have to worry about falling off.
Re: Snowball Fight (FFA Dodgeball) NEW It could be annoying to play when you can only stick to get points. Players will get grenade kills without ever getting any points unless someone stands still long enough.
Re: Snowball Fight (FFA Dodgeball) NEW Well if you think about an actual snowball fight, you're only counted "hit" when you are actually hit by a snowball, not if the snowball hits the ground below you.
Re: Snowball Fight (FFA Dodgeball) NEW But in a typical snowball fight the snowballs also don't blow up.
Re: Snowball Fight (FFA Dodgeball) NEW The big giant edge just gives you something to look at when your body goes flying through the air And The score is set to fifteen so games don't last that long and the gravity is down low also making it easier for you to stick people TRUST ME it's a fun game
Re: Snowball Fight (FFA Dodgeball) NEW Not entirely. Some people arc their 'nades and could end up way overthrowing. Changing grenade technique is not easier. ~Jakester1024