This map is not ment to kill them, it is ment to make them suffer... The only way to get out is to either wait 180 seconds or lose a point for killing yourself This is how it can be used in a slayer map of some sort or a maze or infection... whatever floats your boat. I will try to describe how it works before the pictures aswell as I will describe them in the pictures. So the way the switch works is whenever you touch the crate to go get the camo(it doesn't have to be a camo or crate just something to get someones attention and something that is movable) the crate moves which is touching a small barrel that is touching another and touches a barrier and so on till it reaches the destination which is the dumpster. So, you may be asking "Why doesn't the dumpster move whenever the mancannon is pushing it unless it gets touched?" Well the reason is because the mancannon's settings have be "Place at start: No/ Respawn rate: 10" so that whenever the mancannon spawns the dumpster has already been spawned and so for some reason the dumpster does not move. However when you touch the chain reaction of crates and barrels and barriers it moves because the dumpster's momentum has been started or something like that. I am not all to sure why it works it just does... The camo doesn't really have to be there it's just bait. That is why it is called the bait trap. Settings for all the main items: Item Respawn/rate/Place at start/Instant respawn Dumpster/180/yes/yes Mancannon/10/no/no Chain reaction/doesn't matter/yes/yes Everything else can be whatever you want Time for pictures How This can be used in a regular game This is part of the bait. The bunker looks like a good place to go to whenever in the heat of battle so whenever you go behind the bunker you then see a real surprise. Here is the real surprise the part that makes them touch the chain reaction. After the crate has been touched you know it is too late. There is a little gap between it sometimes where the person can see you and you can see them so you might want to put a shield door or something so that they can no longer see or hurt you. Here is an overview of the room. Here are the mechanics of the switch Also the trap works 9/10 times but that is after alot of tweaking of the mancannon, there is nothing to help stay going straight, which I only did so it looks like nothing suspicious you can add stuff to make it go the right way though. Also if I had done it long enough I know I could've gotten the mancannon to make it go the right way 10/10 times Download: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details You can use this in a map if you would like but it wouldn't hurt me in the least bit if you said that it was my trap. Hope you enjoy and comment if you have any questions. Also if you want me to make a switch like this for your map just invite me GT-kilamanjara14 I don't have a mic right now but I will soon hopefully
How bought putting this map on my super duper switch list, huh, huh. Lol, Anyway looks pretty good but there is just one flaw, if the person doesn't touch the dumpster for a while it will eventually go away for like 5 secs and then respawn, giving them ample time to get away.
O right I forgot to make sure it is on instant respawn. Also it is on your switch list atleast the link is.
really cool. one freaking amazing switch. theyre just getting more and more complex/awesome these days. i think u gave me an idea for a switch... anyway, cool switch. 5/5. id like to see a map with it!
Great switch killamanjara, nice use of wires, although thats for h3a to release, and for you to I'm still wondering how you get the guy to magically reappear on the other side, but I'm tired so w/e. Nice job
no I had a guest in that is why... I was just having him look in to show that there is a little crack between it that someone can shoot through, so you might want to put a shield door so you can't shoot in