Ok, so here it is, Can anyone tell me how many shots it takes to kill a person who has 2000% damage resistance, and the highest level of overshields? (I think it's 8x overshields) I need to know the number of shots for headshots, and for bodyshots if possible. I need to know the answer to this questions for the following weapons (Some are listed by clips, others by shots, and others by seconds: Pistol (Number of clips, not shots.) Assault Rifle (Number of clips, not shots.) Battle Rifle (Number of clips, not shots.) Carbine (Number of clips, not shots.) Sniper Rifle Rocket Launcher Machine Gun Turret (Approximate number of seconds, not shots.) Plasma Turret (Approximate number of seconds, not shots.) Any help on this, could save me a lot of time on the level I'm making, thx.
I'll have the results in a few mins. Edit: Do you want the turrets attached or do you want me to try both attached and detached? Also I take it you want player damage normal?
A complete databank of these results would be fantastically useful. I can compile and analyse the results in a huge post once they're done and sticky it if you'd like. You can probably surmise, for BR headshots: @ 100% Damage Resistance: 4 bursts to kill = 12 bullets = 0.334 clips Therefore @ 2000% Damage Resistance: 80 bursts to kill = 240 bullets = 6.667 clips Will be interesting to see if this is correct.
27 clips for the assault rifle - i think, I will double check if needed 69 for pistol (using dual-wielded) - ditto. 42 seconds with the machine gun turret 57 with plasma. Hope this helps, i may do some more tomorrow, but now im going to bed ( I live in england)
Thanks again for the help man, really appreciate it. Oh, Shock, Orangeremi, I am really looking forward to the results of your study, I expect it to be excellently accurate as always.
Very cool indeed. I read over at Bnet that an Assault Rifle round deals 7 damage points and a BR round deals 6.5. Any way to get this detail for the other weapons based on your testing results?
You have 115 health points, 45 of which are body points, 70 of which are shield. By the way, go 200th post.