Super Duper Switch List

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Youtuber, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    FH Master List of Switches

    :monitor:THE SUPER DUPER SWITCH LIST:monitor:

    Alright, I am a switch junky, and I am always coming up with new switches to incoporate into maps, like my Minefield in Aesthetics. Well I was thinking, why not start a thread, and let people post pictures about their favorite switches, or a new switch that they have created. This thread might help other people with incorporating switches in their maps, or just for a way for Halo switch makers to show their stuff. Ill start off--

    I call this the "Angry Flag Guy Switch"

    Alright so lets say that the Flag has been stolen and is being taken through the tunnel. Stairs are on other side. (Rough sketchup)


    Dumpsters before box spawns

    Ready to be pushed

    Pushing Button (Dumpster)

    Dumpster coming up (takes about 3 seconds to fully work

    Dumpster totally locking out flag carrier, or bomb carrier etc.

    RAWR I cant gerout

    Ok so thats mine for right now, so start posting your favs, or new ones you have built.
    #1 Youtuber, Nov 27, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
  2. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    Here is a link to a switch I created hope you like :)


    This is part of the bait. The bunker looks like a good place to go to whenever in the heat of battle so whenever you go behind the bunker you then see a real surprise.​


    Here is the real surprise the part that makes them touch the chain reaction.


    After the crate has been touched you know it is too late.


    There is a little gap between it sometimes where the person can see you and you can see them so you might want to put a shield door or something so that they can no longer see or hurt you.


    Here is an overview of the room.


    Here are the mechanics of the switch

    #2 Kilamanjara14, Nov 27, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
  3. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    that is very nice and reminds me of another switch I have seen. i will try to make a switch for this.
  4. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    I am making this switch right now that makes 2 wire spools block a road so that mongooses, warthogs, ghost, etc. can't go through but people can walk through.
  5. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    All right, I made another switch. Once again, just an idea for other maps so It doesn't look the best.

    I call it "The Choice"

    Now onto the PICS

    Basic Overview Looks Blah, because I Deleted objects to be able to see it.

    Overview of Wire Switch, Deleted Some Parts

    You can Walk Over the Dumpsters Fine

    But Once You Choose A Path- Rockets or Snipers and You Walk Over the Pallet, The Dumpsters Lock You In


    Switch Activating (Once again, deleted objects-same on other side)

    Dumpsters Closed, I am Trapped Like a Nub W/ Rockets

    Bulleted List of How it Works

    • Choose path - Rocket or Sniper
    • Step on Pallet
    • Fusion Coils Fly into one gravlift on either side
    • Gravlift gets destroyed and force spawns another under the dumpsters
    • You get trapped like a nub.
    Alright, so I just made this so that it would trap you, but you could make so many things out of this. Say you are playing capture the flag, you could either A- Go the long way to score, but be able to pick up the rockets, or B- The short way, but no rockets and no cover. That was just an example, but it would be pretty cool too do, and that is just one idea out of many that I am thinking off.

    So thats about it, Happy Switch Forging
  6. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    For that switch I advise you make it so that the rockets are on top of like a crate or leaning on a pallet just to make it look more inviting. (I know it was just for the idea and no offense but it is kinda exactly like my switch just with the min/max switch in it) nice switch though

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