Cold Gulch ~ From Halo: Combat Evolved Created by Sarge Explosion Supported Gametypes: CTF, King of the Hill, Territories, Assault Map Description This is the revised version of my Blood Gulch remake, Cold Gulch. It is placed on Avalanche and uses the maximum amount of items available. To create this map I had to use floating, merging, and the advice of other users here to make this great revision. This version 2 still has the same bases as V1 but with some slight tweaks to vehicles and weapons. The following are in both bases: Base weapons: 1 sniper rifle, 2 shotguns, 2 frag grenades, 1 smg (instead of plasma rifle), 1 assault rifle, 1 magnum Vehicles: 2 warthogs, 1 scorpion(new!), 1 ghost, 1 banshee The center of the field contains 2 reciever teleports from the bases, 1 camouflage, 1 needler, 1 plasma pistol. The central cave is only accessible through the doorway in the middle of the field. The doorway has shield doors on it and the cave itself seems to be a dead end. However, there are 2 sender nodes at the end of the passage across the ravine. They send you to a reciever nod behind each base. Items in the cave include 1 sniper rifle, 1 flamethrower, 4 power cores, 1 overshield. The two side doorways are now blocked off by energy blockers. The biggest new feature of V2 is the two walls that block off the rest of the map. The real avalanche bases are blocked off with energy blockers. Unfortunately, the wall does not completely block off the map. Despite using the unlimited budget glitch, I did run out of items to use for the walls. I had to block them as best as I could. At least no land based vehicles can go over them. People and Banshees can pass the wall if they try hard enough. Hope you like this re-remake of Blood Gulch! _________________________________________________ Overview of the Map Red Base Blue Base Center Cave Overhead view of a base. NOTE: Carbine and Battle rifle are NOT in the REAL MAP. _________________________________________________ NOTE: Read the ENTIRE THREAD before posting and asking questions plz! Download Cold Gulch 2 Download Blood Gulch CTF
When I saw the first one, I didn't think there was a need for a v2. None the less, you did a good job there. However, I don't like the fact that there is only one entrance to the central cave, it calls for some ambushing. The changes aren't too great, but the map still got better. You did it justice, 4/5.
This looks pretty nice.I've seen maps that have had a base on each side of avalanche,but this looks pretty nice.The bases look interlocked nice and there is really nothing for me to complain about.Maybe just make some things neater in the future but for now,Nice work on the map
OMG Blood gulch was my favorite map in halo 1 and 2. This looks like you sortof remade it, however there are many ways it is different, but still looks sweet. I might dl if I have space.
ill try it out, but i personally think the bases should be moved closer to the default bases, in order to prevent the whole match on being snipers and BRs. and i think a camo, if there was room, would go well with this. other than that, looks great! 4/5
finally! an awesome re-make from Halo 2's awesome map bloodgulch! I've always wanted a re-make version for machinima reasons, and I never expected something this good! and forged on Avalanche!? Amazing! Great Job! Overall Rating: 9.5/10 "Thank You So Much!"
This is probably the best blood gulch in halo 3 I've seen. But, one question, are the weapons accurate. If they are, good job. If they aren't, good job. But the cave needs more than one entrance or it won't be very, um, it won't turn out well. Good job though.
i miss blood gultch... is there some way you can add some fake rocks or something to the area between the bases? ill give a DL then have a better review =)
is it supposed to be a remake to halo 2's map. You said you were just making a v2 to your first map so it is not a remake. i dont know, I haven't played halo 2, I was just going off of what you had said in your post and other peoples comments. The map does look pretty nice but i agree with the others that the cave will probably cause camping which is never good. The map looks like it would be very fast paced sence the bases are very close to each other. i do think that the sniper may be a little overpowering but their is a lot of vehicles and a sniper is pretty pointless against vehicles. the scorpian seems like it would blow up everyone and dominate. I guess you did play test it a lot and i am guessing it has worked. the scorpiand probably cancel each other out at the begginging of the game. I guess their is a camo that will really help with hijaking so the vehicles are not to overpowering. So, their is nothing on the other side of the walls that you made. and you said that you blocked off the bases so their cannot camp which is good. the only thing is that if you are in the banshee and you were low on health you could hide behind the wall. i see you did try your best in the wall. you actually built a wall which makes the map smaller and I think better because a scorpian could own people from a long distance away. I do think that the vehicles still might be a little overpowering weopan wise. Their doesnt seem to be any really powerful weopands beside for the plasma pistol. I think that you should have put a spartan laser or a rocket launcher to help the people not in vehicles. you could have put stickies in the level. i guess pretty much everything is UNSC but i think plasmas would help. How do you blow up the tank without hiaking it. so, I do have a few questions and i hope you answer them but I am downloading the map so I will see how gameplay is. I like this map and i would give it a 4.25/5. you know what you are doing as a forger and I hope to see many more maps from you.
Yea there is just one big problem, and that is the banshees. You might just want to take them out... They have all of avalanche to go to, everyone else is limited to the extremely small area. It also looks like you may be able to get out on the blue base side.
in response to constructive criticism Thank you all for the positive feedback. I revamped this map after looking at comments on the original thread for V1. Many of the commentors there suggested that I close off the real bases, possibly make a wall, and rework the cave. As far as the gametype goes, You can change the vehicle set in it. I was going for the feel of the original Blood Gulch from HALO Combat Evolved. So for everyone that keeps saying things like: "o you recreated Halo 2?" Wrong! its the Blood Gulch from the computer version of Halo CE. There are no battle rifles or any Halo2/3 weapons on this map (except the smg which is just a replacement for the unavailable plasma rifle). Otherwise all weapons and equipment are the same as they were in Halo:CE Blood Gulch. About stronger weapons: I can understand that the scorpions are overpowering. I didnt think too hard about it when adding them and changing up the weapons. The real reason was: I was using the unlimited budget glitch and after adding so many things, i had to go back and rework it so i could use items that i had no money for. After long hours of agonizing deleting and readding I reached the limit on the number of items one can put on a map, Who knew? So, I dont plan on making a V3 persay. I will be adding the Rocket launcher and possibly a fuel rod cannon, and some plasma grenades. this unfortunately will be at the expense of parts of the wall. As far as removing vehicles, You are welcome to do that in the actual gametype: Blood Gulch CTF. But I'm going to leave them on the map as options. I would have loved to make small cover structures in the central field but alas! I am running very short on items and the wall must lose pieces if I am to fill out these requests, We'll see. And finally, I know the 1 entrance to the cave is a bummer, but I added a double shield door so that the entrance has cover. at the end of the hall are two teleports that are pretty much the goal of going in there at all. These teleports lead to spots right behind the tanks of each base. So, we'll see how that plays out. I will add another sheild door or some cover if it helps but otherwise I believe the cave will be fine. To be clear: I will revise the V2, but not make a whole new thread for a V3. There will be less changed this time around, but the changes will help make the map more playable. BTW: send me some messages in game if you want to get a party together and play the map, I could really go for some custom gaming! =D
I like the new versions interlocking and design much better than the first one, despite the minor flaws because its hard making blood gulch remakes, this is one of the best remakes, thats my opinion.
Finnally dude! a blood gulch on halo 3! Ive waited for bungie to remake it, lol but they never did. Thanks! I tryed to make this on foundry, but it ended up sucking xD
Good job on the remake. looks alot like it and i would have never thought to do it on avalanche cause I'm more anthesteclly savy. 5/5
I have tried to download this map, but it has been removed from if anyone still has this map will you pleaze load it in ur fileshare and message me on xbl. I would greatly appreciate it. GT: Maniacal Z78