It is custom this time of year to wish everyone the best and to spill your guts on what you are thankful for. I'm Thankful for... Remember everyone to drive safe and most of all, be with your family. They're the only one you got and they won't last too much longer.
Thanks Nitrous! I'm pretty thankful that I;m finally getting some normal family to live with..... I'm thankful for actually being able to be with my sister up there, with my family...
lolol i rthankful for teh cool guis over at FH who dosen't afraid of anything lol Happy Holidays Everyone at FH!
happy holidays. im thankful for my family, my friends, and forgehub. without forgehub i would die!!! not really but i would be v_v not ^_^
Your blog was...enlightening, Nitrous =] I am thankful for the NXE, TU2, and STP. I Am Thankful for Acronyms. I am thankful that FH allows me to type in this pretty, red font. I am thankful for Sharpest. I am thankful for Kingdom of Keflings. Oh, and Nitrous. I'm thankful for him, too.