FFA Radiation Designed for Oddball, King of the Hill, Slayer, Team Doubles, Multi-Team, Lone Wolves/Free-For-All and team swords; Made by Cydronix and Blakbastud9. Radiation will make its mark in Halo 3 forges. Asymetric lopsided circle shaped map has just the right amount of cover for MLG gametypes. Over 50 spawn points to prevent spawn-camping FFA Radiation will be much loved by the Halo 3 Forge community. With it's wavy walls representing nuclear exposure and tunnel representing a "Safe-Room" radiation plays very good in King of the Hill or Oddball. With very few camping spots. Created by Cydronix & Blakbastud9 Time to Create: 7 Hours 43 minutes Weapons/Powerups Carbines x3 Beam Rifle x1 Active Camo x1 Mauler x2 Regenerator x2 Sword x1 Plasma Grenades x4 Frag Grenades x4 Battlerifle x4 Plasma Pistol x1 Plasma Rifle x2 Overview of Map Fence Flooring + Basement Half Arch Active Camo Location, Back Base (Nuclear Cleansing Room/PowerShower) 2nd Arch, Center Base, Front Center Base, Back "Safe Room" Center Tunnel Sniper Base, Front Base Fence Walkway DOWNLOAD FFA RADIATION Sincerely, Cydronix & Blakbastud9
wow this looks really good, i like the safe room the interlocking there and everywhere else is great, nice map keep forging 5/5
I'm not gonna lie, when I saw your nameI expected great things. It just felt right. Anyhoo... Your map looks really good man. It's pretty well made and aesthenically pleasing as well. I'm guessing this is one of your first posts because you don't have any bars. This really impressed me. I looks like you already know all of the forging 101 techniques, good job. One thing i noticed you might wanna fix is the active caao spawn. With all of the shields around it it's basically the perfect place to camp. You have 2 maulers and a sword on this map so it would be really easy to do. Besides that everything looks awesome, again; I'm really impressed. I look forward to more of you.
This looks really awesome. Interlocking is good, especially in the safe room, which looks really awesome xD Worth a DL soon as i can 5/5
this must have taken FOREVER. the interlocking and geomerging is great and this map looks realy fun. nice job man. i also realy like the weapon set you ahve hear. very impressive man. good work all in all. 5/5
The last pic looks well forged and the sword tunnel looks like a good idea. I cant tell much about the map but I will try it out. Looks pretty good for FFA. Oh and if I were you, I would replace the Beam Rifle with the standard one. 4/5.