Esterase By KFirejumper. Supports - Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, and King of the Hill. Recommended Players - 2-6. Esterase is a small simmetrical map just meant for a fun quick game with 2-6 players. At either end are two fence boxes where you are most likely to spawn. In font of each fence box are two boxes sunk into the ground halfway with slanted bridges as ramps leading up to them. stairs interlocked with those boxes lead to single boxes which (using more slanted bridges) lead to the main arch in the center. this is where most of the combat takes place. Have Fun. Special thanks to Ren Heowein. The Fenceboxes Slanted Bridges Done By Ren Heowein Creator - KFirejumper Download Esterase More Maps by KFirejumper: Little Schloss, Evendim, Stantion
MY 200th post! YAY! looks nice. its worth a DL. it looks really small though. it should have like a section that is like a loop anound the side. if u get what im saying. any ways. 4/5. and u should put in a weapons list.
This looks awesome. Probably plays well too (i shall download when i can). Looks small, but still probably plays good. so... i give you 4/5
it looks realy intense. I am a huge fan of small fast paced maps. this will be a definate download for me. i also noticed that you must have put a lot of time in this. im am quiet impressed. if u could include a list of weapons in your post that would help out to. overall ill give it a 4.5 out of 5. nice job
i agree with solo. its a little small. great asthetics tho and looks fast paced, and i likey fast pacededness =)
The forging is fair; however, the size of the map may have a negative affect on the gameplay. The equipment placement is also a matter of concern. In my opinion, there is a lot more equipment than necessary. Also, the map is breakable, so I suggest increasing the height of the walls. You still have plenty of objects to do so. Other than that the weapon placement is great, as well as the layout. Good job!
Map looks heaps good! love the small maps, increase pace and give faster gameplay, and its harder to hide but well done map looks pretty well forged, maybe flip the right way up single box ramps. 4.5/4.8
This map reminds me of Battery Included's map, Anodyne. Very good forging. I personally agree with all the people here, it looks fast-paced and a bit small. I'll download it btw. I hope this won't disappoint because it looks like you spent a lot of time on this map. 4.5/5.
sweet i love small maps like this! I will download right now this map will not disapoint hopefully cause it looks like u spend alot of time and forging into it 4.5/5
Yes i would have loved to make it bigger but my budget glitch was screwy and i ran out of money. I had originally planned for some halways around the sides. As for weapons I had: 2 SMG's 2 Plasma rifles 2 Spikers 3 BR's 1 Carbine 1 Mauler 1 Brute Shot 1 Needler 1 Sentinal Beam 1 Sniper Rifle 1 regenerator 1 bubble shield 1 power drain 1 trip mine 2 plasmas 2 frags