The Base 2 Created byShotiSniper23 [br] Supported Gametypes: Protect Base infection gametype [br] Map Description This map is a base with three stories 3 and snipe towers and is awesome to everyone ive shown [br] _________________________________________________ [br] This is the base [br] This is a close view of the top floor of the base [br] this is a farther back look at the top floor where you can see 1 of 3 sniping tower [br] This is the basement of the base where basically all the heavy weapons are located [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Well I hope you guys like my map I spent about 3-4 days on making the map[br] [br] THE BASE II
way way way to many weapons map looks good but don't just randomly throw random weapons on the floor and it could be really cool and don't put only 1 entrance then it becomes camp the entrance
I agree. Maps with lots of weapons can be fun for a while, but eventually they get old when you die the second you see someone. Maps that are truly above par will have weapons placed in strategic locations, with usually only a powerful one here or there. Keep in mind this is just constructive criticism, you can make your map however you want to, I'm just trying to help.
No. No. If I had one word to describe your weapon placement, it would be no. Maps are all about balance. You put weapons everywhere. You put thousands of explosive weapons in one place. Sorry, but no.