DC SpykeBahl F

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by a dumb cat, Feb 28, 2008.


Should this Map replace the FEATURED "Stick Ball" map created on The Pit? [url=http://www.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Map Title: DC SpykeBahl by a dumb cat
    Interlocking Madman at work, finest arena this side of Halo. Oh and teh Glowing Serpent sez hai.

    MAP variant: Download 'DC SpykeBahl F' here
    GAME variant: Download 'Pro SpykeBahl' here

    New Screenshot! (panorama shot, or Haloramic as TiedTheLeader.com puts it) - my pro PhotoShop skillz lol
    For: 2-8 Hurlers
    Type: Dodge-Ball, Grenade Sticking
    Selling Point(s): 100% Cheater/Shortcut/Honor-Rule Free; Professional/Quality Feel; Impenetrable barrier between both sides, while still allowing grenades through.

    I know what you are going to say. "OMG, another arena. It is gonna be lame..." Well, its true that it is another arena, but I had to take a stab at making one; and this one is unique among all the others you have seen, I guarantee it.

    Halo Arena "DC SpykeBahl" Overview: (remember to click on the images for a better hi-res view)

    I was inspired to make this after seeing the only spike ball arena featured on ForgeHub.com was made on The Pit. I realize that it was probably made before the Heroic Map Pack came out, but nothing has been posted since. And without being overly critical, I think we need an updated version. Hopefully my aesthetically pleasing and useful arena will someday replace that one.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    This is not your ordinary arena. There are two distinct sides that do not allow players to travel between freely. Honor-rules come into play for the majority of arenas because games depend upon players "honorably" staying on their designated sides. This map fixes this by putting an impenetrable barrier between both sides. "But if you can't walk from one side to the other, how can you possibly interact/shoot/kill each other?" you ask. Well, through clever use of forge objects, I have allowed enemy fire to pass from one side to other, while still restricting player movement to one's own side.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Grenades, bullets, powerdrainers, etc. can easily be fired from one side to the other, just like in an open environment. You can almost think of it as an Inverse Shield Door, or ISD™: Players can shoot, but not walk through it.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    With the ISD being the most prominent and useful feature, lets move on to the secondary features (and in some cases, useless, but in a good way). The first has to do with spawn locations. Other than the starting points, all spawn points are placed in mid-air, where a steep ramp guides the player into their side of the arena. This solves the problem of spawn camping (chucking 'nades at known spawn locations to get easy kills). Along each ramp are two Weapon Holders that hold spike grenades. This allows any spawned player to immediately start hurling as soon as they spawn The gametype, which accompanies this map, even has each player start with 3 seconds of invulnerability, just in case you do get stuck with a lucky 'nade just after spawning.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Another cool feature, which is pretty, but completely useless (lol), is the Glowing Serpent. "WTF is that?" you ask. Well, its an aesthetic piece of the map that was added to provide a little bit of eye-candy for those playing on this map. 16 teleporter nodes strung together in a perfect spiral, floating above Side B. "Why did you add this?" you might ask. "Because I wanted to. That's why." (lol) I guess I feel that everything should be done to make your map unique and stand out from all the rest. This is a small arena that uses fewer resources, and I thought that it needed a little spicing up. When you look at it, you're looking at 3-4 hours of work spent on that thing (not counting time spent on other experimental designs).

    Well, that's pretty much it. Its a straight-forward map with a straight-forward purpose aimed at taking the place of the existing featured Spike Ball Arena forged on The Pit.

    More pics in my PhotoBucket Album here

    Pro SpykeBahl Gametype Overview: (UPDATED and uploaded for download NOW)

    Sticks are worth much more than splash damage kills, therefore if the opposing team runs out of lives with more points, they still win. Just think of Sticks as touchdowns and all other kills as field goals. :)

    Lives per game: 7

    Points awarded for sticking an opponent: 7 points
    Points awarded for killing an opponent with "Splash Damage": 3 points
    Points awarded for any melee, possible only if both players approach the ISD [RARE]: (-3) points
    Points awarded for betrayals: Not Applicable (friendly fire turned off)
    Points awarded for suicides: (-7) points (So you can't sabotage your own team)

    Respawn Traits...
    Duration: 3 seconds
    Active Camo: On
    Invulnerable: Yes
    Forced Color: Black

    Leader Traits (Team)...
    Movement: 90% Speed, 150% Gravity
    Forced Color: White
    Waypoint: Visible to ALL players

    Happy Sticking!

    --a dumb cat
    #1 a dumb cat, Feb 28, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2008
  2. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Looks quite interesting and neat. I like the serpent
  3. PlasmaGlory

    PlasmaGlory Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    I am going t download this, but I have two things that I must say. First, you say suicides give you 0 points so you can't sabotage your own team, but what if you just betray your teammates? Also, I know that it is possible to jump through windows if you crouch-jump at the right time, is this somehow preventable in this?
  4. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    If I got one stick worth 7 points, I would just have my team kill themselves until we ran out of lives so the other team couldn't win. You may want to think that over! Kind of cheap but people will do it.
  5. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    (Damn. That's what I get for putting the numbers in) LOL

    Yes, there is always a way to cheaply win a game, like hiding in slayer games with a 1 point lead. lol

    Okay, you have a valid point. I didn't think like that when devising the scoring. If that is the case, there are two directions I can go. Give me your opinion, please:

    1. Have each suicide be worth (-1) point
    2. Turn Friendly fire off (as in you cannot damage your teammates or kill yourself); this will also negate betrayal penalty points as well, changing the dynamics of how you play the mini-game.

    Choose and tell me what you think!

  6. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    I would put like suidcides are worth -7 or something...The amount of one stick. It seems fair and if you are stupid enough it could ruin it for your team.

    On the other hand turning off team killing seems a little smarter. Although you can still assassinate your teamates because you cannot turn that off. I don't know what to do with that, they both have some flaws. Otherwise you could combine them.

    Turn off team killing, and put betrayals at like -7 or something.
  7. zyatas

    zyatas Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    looks great, ill download. really smart way of solving the barrior problem. ill talk to ya later once ive played it.
  8. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    I choose number two. This map looks really good. lots of aesthetic quality and great ideas like the floating respawn points. It is possible to crouch jump through the windows, but it will be really hard to do In the middle of a game, and you could easily stick the person because they ran close to the middle.
  9. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Turn friendly fire off, and crooked you can't assassinate your team mates, in fact you can't kill them period.
  10. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    I was infatuated with spikeball for a brief period and I have to say this is probably the best looking arena for it that I have seen to-date. I love the "spawn slide" idea. Not so intrigued by the scoring.. but still looks like a great map. GJ man.
  11. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Thanks! I don't know if anyone noticed, but the metal band on the top of each box is connected to form one continuous belt which encircles the arena. Another aesthetic quality of this map.

    Yes, I am proud that I spent the extra resources to make this happen. :)

  12. Madness4mayhem

    Madness4mayhem Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    WOW... Lots of teleporters
  13. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Door™

    Amazingly awesome post :), this map has my download for sure. Keep up the good work!

    Peace // gorebound
  14. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    this map is the best arena i have ever seen! (just because of the teleproters xD)
    but really nice job.
  15. zyatas

    zyatas Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    ok, i tested it out. its really great, cant see many flaws, except for that sometimes when i throw my spike, it hits the window panel. thanks for the great map.
  16. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Looks really really great! Great job! My only problem is how to keep people from shooting.

    Offthopic: There should be an ISD as an object... :day-dreams:
  17. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    give them swords
  18. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    Good job on your post, it must have taken a long time.

    The serpent is also very cool.

  19. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    I agree, this is a very very good map. But never, and I mean NEVER put a poll like that. The stickball map featured was made way before this one, with less resources, experience, and ideas. And we do not need another Stickball map. Although if we did, this should be it.

    ~Poll Locked.

    GREY J0RDAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: DC SpykeBahl F - Inverse Shield Doorâ„¢

    very proffesional looking, well made

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