HippieOrc's Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by HippieOrc, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. HippieOrc

    HippieOrc Ancient
    Senior Member

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    HippieOrc's Maptastic Map Pack (OF MAPS!) 3 maps included!Hi I decided to release all of my three latest maps tonight and I hope you guys love them because me and my friends do.

    Jurassic Park
    One of the coolest infection map ever!(dramatazation!)
    This map was inspered by the movie series by the same name and is desighned to be played with my gametype called RAPTORS. The power is out and the electric fences our down so watch out for those nasty dinos! The 'RAPTORS' will start out in the dino-pen (beach) and break out where as the tourist will start out inside the park's warehouse where they can grab some weapons or vehicles and start the tour! I put a lot of effort into this map and placed all the scenery to look like the park was still under construction but a few tourist were aloud a sneak peak! The game has seven rounds but feel free to adjust these anytime!

    map- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15416699
    Raptors gametype- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15416742
    [​IMG]The raptor cage.

    Map #2
    Twin Glaciers
    This is a small map made for playing my SNOWBALLS gamtype. Although I made it so you can play ANY gametype on it you should probably turn the gavity on 200% and take off grenades if you want people to stay in the boundries. It is OKAY and it is pretty fun on team slayer if you adjust the setting like I said.
    Map- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15417207
    SNOWBALL gametype- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15417246

    PICS- I played a lot of matchmaking so my recent films were wiped out so I went back in forge and took pics.
    [​IMG]An overview of the map.
    [​IMG]One spawn!
    [​IMG]And the other!

    Map #3
    Sandrap RUN
    Run the zombies are coming. This map is to be played with the RUN gametype and no other! The map is not really inovative but me and my friends love this gam/map combo so much. WE LOOOOOVE it. PLZ TRY U WILL ALSO LOOOOVE IT! Anyway the humans spawn infront of mongooses and they must quickly pile in. They are equiped with reg. grenades, BRs, and ARs. They basicly drive around trying not to be killed. This is one of the only infection games where you want to be the zombie. The zombies are supa fast and can jump really high. They have no shields and regenerating grenades. There spawn is full of equipment they can use and fire grenades. and a few cloaking power-ups. They must use all of this to kill the humans. FUN FUN FUN! There is nothing better than someone trying to run over you and then throwing a tripmine down and getting a double kill! My friends beg to play this plz enjoy!

    Map- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15417612
    Run gametype- http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15417653

    [​IMG]Yes little humans RUN MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  2. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: HippieOrc's Maptastic Map Pack (OF MAPS!) 3 maps included!

    I really, really like the first one. The other two are good as well, but the first one is just fun to look at!

    Nice post, too, minus that nasty green/red thing. =P
  3. HippieOrc

    HippieOrc Ancient
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    Re: HippieOrc's Maptastic Map Pack (OF MAPS!) 3 maps included!

    It took me an hour to get the post perfect w/ pics and all...
  4. HippieOrc

    HippieOrc Ancient
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    Re: HippieOrc's Maptastic Map Pack (OF MAPS!) 3 maps included!

    I would LOVE feedback... ???
  5. PHOENIX 874

    PHOENIX 874 Ancient
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    Re: HippieOrc's Maptastic Map Pack (OF MAPS!) 3 maps included!

    The third map sounds really interesting.

    I might try it later. xD
  6. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Re: HippieOrc's Maptastic Map Pack (OF MAPS!) 3 maps included!

    If you're going to do 3 maps, just apply anyway.

    And based on the scale in my sig,


    Pictures-8/10-Embedded and nice angles.

    Description- 7/10

    Overall- 8/10- The headings and embedded pictures make the difference.
  7. HippieOrc

    HippieOrc Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: HippieOrc's Maptastic Map Pack (OF MAPS!) 3 maps included!

    Is anyone actually going to download and play them? I worked really hard and want to know what you think about the map and gametype when actually played w/ friends.
  8. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: HippieOrc's Maptastic Map Pack (OF MAPS!) 3 maps included!

    Hippie, I understand your concern, but you've got to give it time. Just wait until school lets out for the weekend. You're bound to get some downloads then. Also, don't double-post...it's grounds for locking a topic (and multiple times means ban).

    If your maps are as good as you think they are, then word will spread about them. Just be patient...it's only been a day!

    P.S. You're my hero for fixing the color thing. =)

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