Archetype Created by ExtreemKablooie (me) Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Team KotH Map Description Well, as you all may see, this is my first map post here at ForgeHub, even though i've been here for quite a while now. This map origionaly started as a small FFA map that would take up half the open space on foundry. As it turns out, while planning this map in my head, i forgot about the porportions of foundy to the items. So i ended up expaning the map to fill most of foundry. With two larger bases, and two smaller bases, and a system of catwalks and ramps allow you to move around the map easily and quickly. The long lined of sight and the ability to engage in medium and close quarters combat really make this map diverse from the average foundry map As I hate to loose nades to those pesky boxes, nearly every box touching the ground or a wall in geomerged. All ramps are geomerged as well. coupled with very neat interlocking and smooth (not bumpy) surfaces make this map, in my opinion, very fun to play on. On an ending note to this description, I have incorperated shield doors into this map. These shield doors are placed strategicaly to constrain the movment of the two vehicles on the map, provide needed cover but do not create those annoying camping situations. Also to balance the Ghost>Mongoose problem, next to the Mongoose is a Brute Shot with limited ammo. Enjoy. Weapons List Smg (2x) Plasma Pistol (1x) Covenant Carbine (2x) Battle Rifle (5x) Magnum (1x) Plasma Rifle (2x) Spartan Laser (1x) Brute Shot (1x) Plasma Nades (3x) Power Drain (1x) Bubble Shield (1x) Ghost (1x) Mongoose (1x) Pictures Defenders Base Defenders Base Top Level Inside Defenders Base Bottom Level Inside Defenders Secondary Base Defenders Secondary Base Main Crosswalk Into Atackers Base Attackers Base Top Level Attackers Base Bottom Level With Geomerged Lift Attackers Secondary Base Attackers Secondary Base Main CrossWalk Connecting Defenders And Atackers Base Thanks Thanks to Pyr0 13aT for support and to TDHarding with help making it unbreakable. Download> Archetype <Download Please Leave Constructive Comments; but praise is accepted too ;p
WOW this looks really nice. I like the floating boxes ontop of one of the bases, I am really going to download this a try it out.
pretty nice. good layout. it looks topen in some of the places though. i like the boxes floating over attackers secondary base. those will porb prevent a lot of granade spamming. you ashouldnt put mongooses in ur map cuz u can get out really easly. i found an easy way to get out of the Project Z map using the mongoose. anyway, nice interlocking, the map is really clean. 4.9/5 -.1 from the mongoose. its an easy fix
This is a really good map. the geomerging is really good and so is the interlocking. The catwalks do look like they are good transfers throughout the bases. i must say that I think the defenders bases are stronger then the attackers bases. i know the attackers have the ghost but still. by the way, how ddo you get the ghost out. I am going to download the map but from the pics i dont see how to get the ghost out. Overall, this is an amazing map and a definite download. 5/5
Very,very nice.This looks excellent for CTf and Team Koth.I like that you decided to not use many power weapons for this map which should make the map balanced.The map looks complex,but simple at the same time which should make it very nice.I think i can tell gameplay is nice,thats why i'll be downloading the map.Good work Mace,and continue to make nice maps.Real good job
Here's my review Aestetics- Although the map doesn't actually include many nooks and crannys developed for aestetic purposes, the map all in one looks amazing. Now a days Maps have to play well as well as be aesteticly pleasing. This map shows amazingly smooth interlocking and geomerging which make this map look proffesionaly made. The boxes that float above the attacke rs secondary base looks very clean and proffional also. Playability- This map is unbelivably playable. Once the game starts the player has choices. When i tryed this map out i always felt like i had a sense of control over gameplay. Between the two teams gameplay is increadibly fair with no obvious advantages that a good player can't recover from. Originality- Okay lets be truthful with each other. This map falls short on originality. Two main bases with walkways to other smaller bases has been done a thousand times already. I will not take to many points off because of this since It is the style of map that most people enjoy and you captured it perfectly. replay factor- This map also somewhat lacks on a replay factor. It may be a great map for a customs party the first few times, but after you've played it for more than an hour it gets some what boring. I'm not trying to be rude or insulting but gameplay honestly doesn't make people play it for a long time. post-
looks clean, don't think gameplay will be good, sorry, I'm afraid I don't like this map. It lacks something.
thank you, but mabey some constructive critisim? thank you again, mabey come back with a review? i solved this problem by making thier second base better than the defenders second thank yu both for the great reviews, they will be taken into account for a v2 enlighten me? cuz im thinking this looks like spam
I don't know about a feature but its a good map. And the name is awsome! Everything looks great on the map and the dezigns are nice too. My only concern would be the back corner. It looks plain and I think you could use it better to benefit the map. 4/5
i wanted lots of room for the vehicles, so i left them open in my map. also i didnt budget glitch it due to the fact that i hate forging with it, so im pretty much out of money
You could justBudget glitch it now! I am not a master at the budget glitches but I know it could easily be done. Ask sdrakulich or Bl00d F1r3. They told me they knew a lot about it.
a v2 will most likey be released next weekend, with more gametypes set up and some geomerty change before that i will be realesing a 2nd map (click Here if you want to see a sneak peak) before the v2 of this please leave more critisism! and or praise... lol
Impressive Aesthetically, it looks great, The crosswalks overhead of the ground floor look like they pose as a threat to both teams, and can be used accordingly, I particularly like the layout, and of course the interlocking shown here is clean and pretty damnsmooth. I'd put it in my D/L queue, but i haven't got enough space. However, this map's worth giving you 5 star ratings and good rep. Keep it up!
Alright so: The map played okay, nothing majorly wrong but nothing that majorly gave it flavor. The weapons set worked okay, but the ghost was horribly placed. I dont think you've used spawn areas, which leaves the map to have odd spawns. Not neccessarily bad spawns, but they were somewhat predictable. Im also not particularly in love with your usage of shield doors. they are placed in locations that do no particular good, and additionally, they arent connected to anything. They also prohibit the ghost from being useful. My recommendations are to give it more of a full map feel, and less like randomness. The shield doors arent very useful either. Move the ghost, and add spawn areas.
I gotta agree pretty much with silence on everything there. That map wasn't bad in any way, shape or form..but there was nothing that made me wow. Overall the structure was decent, but could use a tiny bit of cleaning up on some corners. I found that grabbing a BR and jumping up to the top of the double boxes standing vertical overlooking a base gave me a wicked advantage. Spawns were wonky, a lot of times bl00d spawned in my face. So like silence said, add in the zones. Remove the shield doors, maybe replace a few of them with a bit of wall cover. I found the area by the ghost especially annoying as that one shield door you had to crouch under the box. The position of the ghost wasn't too great either. The grav lift in this same area didn't quite work, as you could get stuck on it, though I did manage to stick silence like five minutes after I threw a sticky. I would recommend maybe some sort of angle, or even a mancan lift to force you up. Overall it's pretty good. I'm not too familiar with your work, but this is a good start. Fix some stuff up and you got a solid map. Maybe not quite feature worthy, but definitely something I wouldn't mind playing again.
dankashe, im getting vorpal to help me with the zones and better weapon placement, so a v2 shoud be out sometime soon
Nice map. I like the catwalks, but I think you should downplay the shield doors (To prevent camping). Other than that, I think you just need to smooth out the forgeing in places, most people are to lazy to push the jump button (Actually a bump in the map could hamper the game-play a bit). Nice first post, I'll wait for v2.
thank you quin, the bump i think you talking about is on the ramp, correct? if so, there isnt one, the two ends of the walls are level, so it doesnt bump you