I'm looking for some people who want to complete the Vidmaster Challenge Annual achievement. For this achievement you need to complete the last level, Halo, on legendary with the Iron skull on. Completing the Vidmaster achievements will allow you to get Recon Armor when Halo: ODST is released sometime next year. It should be fun. If anyone wishes to help post your gamertag and when you're available and we can all work out a time. Plan for an hour and a half of your time as we might need to retry it a couple of times to get it right. For those of you who are helping out, watch this video a couple times so we can nail it the first time. (Credit to RampaginFetus for suggesting this) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3glgkmgECS0 My GT: John Brodish
Yay! My brother and I needed someone who could help us. Do you know all the steps? If you don't go youtube it. Anyway my GT is RampaginFetus and my brother, zDallasCowBoys, is going to help us also. Timezone?
O.K. I am as well it's U.S. Central -6 BTW...You never posted you're GT is it about to be 11 where you are?
The friendly and fun atmosphere could make up for it being 0G you may want to include that. Expect to have at least 1 hour and a half free. I did it in less than that though.
Yeah i'm a little late on responding but yeah it's 11:40 right now. My GT is John Brodish, same as my ForgeHub user name. alright thanks for the tip!
i want in!!!! i can get on any time, but im in mountain time, so say when you want to do it by like: "in 4 hours" or something instead of at 7:00. are we going to do it today?
I did it 6 times already with a bunch of other idiots who kept dying. Then with this one group, right when we were about to get to the end, we lagged out. I was like the only one keeping them alive the whole way and I know all the tricks of getting to the end including shortcuts. Sure I'll help, just add me.
I sent most of you FR, and zDallasCowBoys can no longer help. I'll be available for about four more hours. So join my party when you can.
It took me 3 hours to do the vidmaster,that was the most annoying thing i ever did in my life because everyone kept dying.I did it the day after the achievments came out,i dont want to re-do that again.Its easyer now because of all the shortcuts.Good luck
So it looks like we got me, rampaginfetus, slasheI2, and chief wiggums? while i did post today i wasn't necessarily saying we had to do it today. I know rampagin fetus you said you got 4 hours left, but idk cause i have to work at 4 and am currently busy. I'll send you all friend requests, when is everyone available today and the next couple days? I guess since me and fetus are in central timing if wiggums and slashe could post when their available in central time that would be solid. We'll see what time we all are available and plan to do it then. Example: I'm available: Wed: X AM - Y PM, Thu: X PM - YPM, etc. etc. I'm availabe almost all the time this week (i have the whole week off from school). Hopefully we'll work this out and get that achievement!
sorry RampaginFetus, I just wasn't expecting everyone to be ready to go so quickly. I got caught up in work I had to do and wasn't able to make it there in time. Idk if you did it without me or what, but if you didn't do it, post what times your available so we can hopefully coordinate better.