What are your top 5 favorite forged maps ( dont say one of your own maps). Mine would have to be: 1. Aperture 2. Reflex 3. Ribcage 4. Palet Parade 5. Vertebraille
I have to agree with you have but I definitly believe that relfex should be number one and aperture should be about 2 or 3. Ribcage should be 4 or 5. Looks good although I think one of the project maps should be up there
Paragon has to be somewhere in there,mabey 3-5, but i dont know which map would have to go,there all so good .
I would think this would be under Forge Discussion. As for my favorites, it's hard to choose. Definitely 5 featured maps (no offense to any others intended). Reflex Sapphire Ramparts Distortion Pallet Parade I'm sure there are others that I may like more but this is what I could find.
That is super hard. I am working on my own but this time its my TOP 50!!! I am going to have it as a blog post soon. But as for now, here's my Top 5 (maybe)(in no order) 1. Cavern v2 2. @DifferentLevel 3. MLG Onslaught v5 4. Credence 5. Paragon (There are much much more. The rest are going to be in my future blog of my TOP 50 fave maps!)
How about: End of The Line Amplified Hype Duck Hunt (Standoff) TNT Polo Everyone is picking some really old maps, I havn't evan thought about those since before the summer...
DifferentLevel still blows most of the current maps out of the water. It's a shame that it's budget-glitched; I know it would have been added to the MLG circuit.
In no particular order... Paragon Amplified Xyience Unchained Sapphire Impact Yeah I know there's six there. ^_^
Mine would be- 1)Cave Freaks 2)Hurricane (the race track) 3)Vertabraille 4)Reflex 5)pallet parade. As you can see i am really into competitive maps.
Neutron -Aimless Ant A suprisingly fun and well built map to play on. Hyperborean -evan12075 Normally, you won't find me playing on an Avalanche map, but this map has restored my faith into forging on any other map besides Foundry. I Am Legend v3 - xBRx destroyer An instant classic. One of the best remakes of any thing in the world. A blast to play as well. Haunted Mansion -cheezbob The BEST house map ever made in forge. There are so many hiding places and secret areas. I don't even think I, myself, have found them all. Offbeat -Domi Boy For some reason I have kept this on my hardrive for the longest time. It has addictive gameplay, although the aesthetics aren't top notch, but that really doesn't matter.
1。地窖 2。磨刀石 3。刺刀工作 4。半徑 5。迪納摩 English translation: 1. The Cellars 2. Grindstone 3. Bayonetwork 4. Radius 5. Dynamo