AWESOME be sure to check your messages, BTW if you didn't get the 1st top 5 you tried to enter, can you do it again for the next?
This is great, but IMO in would be better if there was no talking. Just an intro to each play. Not trying to offend or anything please don't take it personally. And these are some awesome plays you did a really good job with this. I am going to try and enter this time.
Arhg, wish i still had that video on my computer, just to show it off! >_0 Thanks for remembering that though. Also sharp, you may want to get someone else to do the narrating on those clips.
Week 1 is okay. The clips were good but the editing was basic. Also, you can definitely cut out a lot of the time of the Forgehub 5 part since the beginning of that lasted about a good 30 seconds. The ending of it was also quite long. Yea, but seriously, you need some good editing or something to go with that. Good job though for your first try.
Well, they were nice clips don't get me wrong. But you have absolutely no charisma in that. at all. It dulls the hell out of the video. You need to act like an over the top tool, just look at the MLG Top Ten, lol. You need to get excited and yell and carry on. You cannot be uming and ering, you need to speak clearly, loudly and entertainingly. Otherwise, it was pretty nice although there's plenty of room for improvement.
You might want to take his suggestion. The narrating killed it for me but i will be submitting for other videos.
well it was ok, but the narrating really ruined it ALL!!! i leave you with this friendly suggestion: Spoiler don't quit your day job.