Maybe when he sat down he really had to go to the bathroom. So he just finished up because he couldn't hold it in any longer and then he just called the police and asked "I am super glued to a toilet seat, please come and free me" haha that would be the best 911 call ever.
oh... ma... gawd... That made my day ahahaaha what an idiot... I'll never use a public washroom again...
I actually never thought of pranking someone like this before, but I dont think i will ever end up doing it because of what da dude ended up going through lol nice find
Yeah, it would be hilarious to recieve that call. But in England (where he was situated - the midlands) it's 999 Makes you think what the consequences are heh?! And thanks, I stumbled upon it by chance.
I never sit on a wet toilet seat, if I ever, and I mean ever have to resort to a public stall, I will examine every little thing. Seat Cleanliness: Flush Spray: TP Quantity: No Peekholes: Floor Cleanliness: Everything. I will examine, until I am satisfied with 9-10's down the board.
Ha, what a dumbass. How could you not notice that? And I mean, he had to be so humiliated having it dealt with, especially with the firefighters.
Well actually, some cyanoacrylate adhesives such as "zap-a-gap" are an extremely thin and almost invisible clear liquid that bonds instantly to skin. My friend glued his bare foot to the floor and his hand to his face, both times not noticing until he tried to pull away.
Really that's just retarded. How do you sit on glue long enough to get stuck. It's absolutely ridiculous. He should have been able to feel it and realize it wasn't dry. Seriously, that guy is definitely an idiot.
Like many others have said, the guys an idiot. I never sit down on public toilets. I only piss, not poo in public restrooms.
Damnit. they said they wouldn't let the story leak out about my dad. but seriously what a retard. how do you not notice "hey im starting to become stuck to the toilet" that my friend, is a mighty big dump.
Why was there glue on a freakin toilet seat?? THATS what i wanna know but seriously thats embarrassing
A prank.......... And to all the ****in retards who say it takes glue a long time to dry....Have you never heard of super glue..... That stuff thats all over the world inside of tubes. Its clear and dries in seconds..... If you havent heard of super glue, you need to get out more.