Gears of war2* If you liked Gears 1 multiplayer, rent this. If you hated Gears 1 multiplayer, buy. Rock band2 ehh... Star wars: the force unleashed * Rent. Mario kart wii Only good Mario kart was Double Dash and the first one. Avatar series collection Pirate. Satellite in my room Pirate. Call of duty 5:world at war I have more friends playing CoD4 then CoD5. Mirrors edge * Rent. Prince of Persia (new version) Rent. Fire emblem:radiant dawn* ehh... Sonic unleashed Sonic is **** since Sonic adventure 2. RIP Shadow. Tales of symphonia2 ****ING GET THIS NOW. Metroid prime3:corruption* Pokemon snap ... Paper Mario Super paper Mario ... No more heroes I've heard really good things so yeah. Zack&wiki:quest for barbos tresure Super Mario galaxy Tomb raider:underworld Elder scrollsblivian add Fallout 3 to this. and make sure you get the GotY edition. Ninga gaiden2 Internet. Summed up. Gears 2. Oblivion GotY. Fallout 3. Tales of Symphonia 2 and 1 if you don't have it. One suggestion is to get Tales of Vesperia.
my freind is in love with tales of symphonia 1, is 2 any better? do you know? well, as for me i dont really want much heres mine(not that anyone really cares though, lol) -Gears of War 2* -Need for Speed: Undercover* -Mario Kart Wii -Metroid Prime 3:Corruption -Super Mario Galaxy* -Guitar Hero: World Tour* -another xbl account+MS points -more months for my existing xbl account* -Chocolate Orange! (best candy ever!!!)* -buncha other *hit too of course my b-day is january 5th, so if i dont get any of this stuff for x-mas i can always rely on b-day money and possibly x-mas money. god bless us for christmas!!!(pun, im athiest. lolz)
wow almost all the items are video games. for video games i suggest GoW2, Oblivion, and CoD5. i don't know much about the wii games. i have other suggestions if they're accessible for your Christmas. laptop desktop tv bike car? money phone
Haha every year my family asks me what i want and i only have two things. i know the COD WAW is kick ass. i dont really care for gears of war
I don't know why no one else has pointed this out for me, but you're spoiled. If you actually expect to get a majority of this, you're rich, too young, have faulty parents (otherwise known as "damaged goods"), and or spoiled. Maybe i'm wrong and this is a Christmas WISH List. But ****, i'll tell you what to get. ------ Gears of war2* Forget this. There are better games to be purchased. Rock band2 Yeah, sure. It's holiday fun for the family. Star wars: the force unleashed * **** Star Wars. Mario kart wii **** Mario. Avatar series collection **** Avatar. You want quality TV? -The Boondocks (all seasons) -One Tree Hill -House (Whatever Season, they're all equally good) Satellite in my room What the ****? Why is it necessary to be in your room? Unless there is a valid explanation for it to be in your room, it's really not worth it because after the first week you don't even notice it anymore. It takes up space. Anyway, Satellite sucks. IF you are going to get tv, stick with cable. Call of duty 5:world at war whatever. Mirrors edge * **** this game. Prince of Persia (new version) **** this game too. Fire emblem:radiant dawn* **** whatever this **** is. Sonic unleashed ok Sonic. cool. Tales of symphonia2 **** this **** Metroid prime3:corruption* **** metroid ***** Pokemon snap **** that IF you want real pokemon, play Pokemon for N64. With the optional Gameboy Adapter. Paper Mario **** it Super paper Mario **** it No more heroes What the **** does this mean. Zack&wiki:quest for barbos tresure **** it. **** it HARD. Super Mario galaxy **** it. Tomb raider:underworld whatever. no actually **** it. Elder scrollsblivian **** it Ninga gaiden2 ok whatever ---- In general, you're Christmas list is terrible. Sorry to **** on your parade. After a week, if you decide to make friends, you won't miss your xbox as much. Trust me.
thats exactly what this is. a wish list. I posted it here because I wamted other peoples openions on the games,and some new ones.I never said I was getting all of this
The way you worded it just made it seem like you expected to get ALL of it. We're in a recession, do you not know?
On Christmas I don't seek mass but quality. Unlike you I have a few things on my list, but I know they are going to last. 1. iPod Touch 16gb 2. Xbox 360 X4 Headset 3. WoW: 1 Year subscription