The Tribunal Prison Facility

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CavScout, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Nice ideas... the pics are real colorful. shweet overall map with a nice curve to infection. 4.5/5
  2. CavScout

    CavScout Ancient
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    If anybody would like to play this we are playing right now. Send a message to K2 Chief and ill pass you an invite!
  3. Goolie6907

    Goolie6907 Ancient
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    Wow 10/10 That was the best Prison Game i have ever played. As a guard i only let people out that treated me good and in return i got treated the same (the golden rule). Yes Karma has a major role in this game.
  4. Vexrog

    Vexrog Ancient
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    Just played it and this game is great. Me and my friends had a great time even though it was a bit confusing at first. Also you might want to fix the toaster as one of our guys got stuck in it.
  5. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    wow. just wow. this was a great post, not to mention long. the gameplay is amazing, the map is cleanly interlocked and evrything flows together perfectly. definite DL from me! 5/5!
  6. CavScout

    CavScout Ancient
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    Vexrog.. Hey, I really don't know of any problems with the toaster. It kind of slings you against the wall, but you can crouch and you will fall to the floor. It will still always kill the inmate though, and if your friend was a cop and got stuck in there, well lol I don't know what to say.

    Lol I guess I just thought it would be common sense for a cop to not jump into the furnace. If I would have crafted it so you could get out, the inmate would just simply jump out and avoid death every time.

    However, for every one who has played some games on it and posted back, I'm really glad you all enjoyed it. Getting some great feedback from people who have actually ran games on it is very reassuring. I knew that with different people, the open endedness of this map could make gameplay vary greatly. The fact that everyone else is having as much fun with this map as I have is just great. Also, if anyone would like to play this, I'm always down for some games. My friends have all spent probably around 10 hours playing games on this map and our about worn out from it rofl.

    Also, news update on my latest ventures into the world of forge.

    Last night, while trying to sleep, I came up with the most brilliant game imaginable. I've been keeping up with the forge community for a good while now, and this has never been done. One person knows about it so far, and it's going to stay that way until initial testing. In all honesty, this map will be the best one I have ever created.

    Imagine the depth and complexity of this map, yet it would appeal to every Halo player out there. It is going to be ****ing epic. Depending on how things go, I should have it done within a little under two weeks.
  7. breszhnev

    breszhnev Ancient
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    this map looks phantasticle! every1 plays that 1 boring jail game, station whatever i can think of its name. but this map sounds good for pigz and theifz (thats cops and robbers in diffrent wordz). ha i thikn id just keep the prisners in the cells the hole time. id probably go into a cell 4 no reason. ha ha. abu dabi dabi dabuey. ill tell all my freinds about this map. (i have no freinds, but thats bside the piont. 5/5 this is probly the best revue of dis map yet. im gonna get pos. rep 4 this.
  8. CavScout

    CavScout Ancient
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    Thanks everyone for all the support on the map. It's now closing in on 300 downloads now, and is just doing great. I've been running some full 8 man games as of lately with people, and to my surprise, the map still runs as good. It's alot more chaotic and not coordinated, but it still works out pretty decent none the less. This will be the last post I make in this thread, and I just wanted to thank everyone for all the great feedback, and for supporting, playing, and enjoying the map.

    MAGIC_MAN Ancient
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    really fun kind of like cops and robbbers on COD4 if any1 has played that before? were the gaurds tell the robbers what to do and if they dont do it they can kill them. so yea 5/5
  10. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    If you can get a group of people who will play by the rules, this can be a great map. I played with Cav for an hour or so and we had a blast. This is more than a "I need to take a pee" and then run away map. This map actually requires mental manipulation of the guards. Heck, Cav always tricked us with his little mind games even when we were expecting it. We ended up hving to asssign 2 guards to him to keep him under-control lol.
  11. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    I have to say, I downloaded the map and it truly looks spectacular. Unfortunately, as it is a cops and robbers type map, it requires honor rules. And because of that I have been unable to play this game as it was meant to be. You see, I tried explaining the rules to the party, but they could not handle it. The first round I was a prisoner and none of us were released. But the cops decided to be geniuses and they walked through the teleporters into the cells. I was killed by one cop. And then in another cell the other cop was assassinated by a prisoner. I had to end the game because it would never have ended unless I booted those "smart" people. But the way you describe the gameplay sounds really fun and enjoyable, and I would really like to see a video of gameplay, if that is at all possible. Many people dislike cops and robbers games, simply because all the cops end up going psychotic and killing everybody, and because the games are mostly played on that boring Station whatever map. But this map is highly original and you also provided a very detailed background and descriptions of the weapons and equipment. Amazing post. 5/5
  12. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
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    seriously one of the best C&R map that i hav seen, i play c&r alot w/ my friends but gets boring cuz it always the same map so i hav to dl this cuz it looks awesome
  13. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I loved playing on this map. It was a lot of fun, except for the cells. When stuck in the cells it can get a bit boring. Okay, a lot boring. The cells look and work great except for when the guards don't let you out. And I remember you trying to pull that crap on me about my Mark V helmet, but when it happened to me, I turned around and someone assassinated me. =P

    I'm giving it a 4.5/5. If you could see out of the cells better (like, see what was happening straight ahead of you) it would be a 5/5.
    Good job mate.
  14. slipknot83

    slipknot83 Ancient
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    I tried playing it with my friends, but it wouldn't let me go back through the door where the prison cells are. Also, its too hard to destroy grav lifts for some reason!
  15. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
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    awesome C&R map
    i usually dont like these, but this one is much better
    all the others are monotonous while this one has so many featuress that make it overall very fun
    definantly worth a DL and good luck if u make another version
    switches would also b nice for cops
  16. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    This looks very well thought out, I can't wait to try!
  17. Dimaginaryfrog

    Dimaginaryfrog Ancient
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    i like the idea it reminds me of cops and robbers
    i have to dl it
  18. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    wow not bad, interlocking is done well and looks like weapons, spawns, and equipment were also placed well, the only problem for me is the point that its cops and robbers, and I dont like cops and robbers, but thats just on my account, otherwise nice work. 3.98705647594/5

    Love, BAMFthesenior
  19. brett3123

    brett3123 Ancient
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    better then all the C&R maps Ive seen combined. i like the riot gear. you balanced it also so you don't just overpower the cops
  20. IzanoSlayer

    IzanoSlayer Ancient
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    good on paper,but doesn't play out well...

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