The switch is your typical powerup holds fusion coils - coils drop - destroy grav lifts - other lifts spawn and do stuff. The innovative thing I discovered (to the best of my knowledge) is that grav lifts pass straight through crates. I wasnt able to mount the lift close enough to act on both crates at once - but just spawing the lifts in mid-air and letting them fall and having both crates pass through the falling lift worked. You can see where the graft lifts end up in this pic:
The doors a brilliant idea,nice interlocking and the ship it self looks awesome 5/5 this should be featured
I love it when people make ships on avalanche and you actually made one that looks very interesting and original. Original in a way that I have not seen a ship that looks like this one in shape. Good Job Keep it up
Thanks - i dont believe we have seen the best possible avalanche ship yet. Halo and Star Wars ships are cool to do but involve too many compromises given the tools we have to hand. Original design is the way to go..
Man this is sick cargo ship, you have some very creative ideas in these forging maps, its cool and im downloading it and going to go play on it rite now.
This is a great idea. +Rep just for not making it on Foundry, also! The idea of using it for cargo drop-off is awesome, and could easily be used in a map. Great job for making a simple concept pretty complex but still easy to follow.
this looks more of a drop and a transport ship combined than a cargo... but other than that. great job! ill dl right now
may i use this in a map. also id like to say that that ship is epic win because of its flamiing testicles just pm me if its ok t use tho because i probably wont keep this thread under watch.