Hey everyone. I'm new to the Forge Hub, I have to say its pretty cool!!!!! Anyways, I'll see u guys on Friday. This is my post on my first and best map forged, Lazers vs Snipers. I spent a considerable amount of time on it, and its a variant of the High Ground Halo 3 Map. I made various changes, but mainly what it focuses on is that each tram has 4 lazers and 4 snipers on each side, and see what happens. This is a bad map for slayer, but good for team slayer. Just to let you know, at both sides, the weapons are equal, including the energy sword for all who had questions on that. Also, to make it fair since the base by the beach isn't as good as the higher ground, I made sure that I added encampments and turrets on the other side. Also, there is a brute chopper nd a warthog, but i'll let you figure out the sides. Also, a gravity hammer, but a hint, no risk, no reward. And the portal, be careful!!!!!! ps. screens soon!!!!! To access the link for download, check out the website below, and rate it good, plz!!!!!! http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=14952913 Also, check out my clan, Chuck Norris Rejects!!!!!!! http://www.bungie.net/fanclub/chucknorrisrejects/
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
This could have just been a gametype right? You just make it VIP with VIPs starting with snipers and no VIPs starting with lasers. Then just set the scoring to regular slayer.