Brute Project

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Feb 25, 2008.


    Senior Member

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    Map Name: Brute Project
    Sketch’s Boxed In
    # Players: 4-6
    Suggested Gametypes: Multi-Flag, Team Oddball, Team Crazy King, Team Slayer
    Download link:

    Description: The idea came for Brute Project came from 2 places. First, my favorite weapon in Halo 3 is the Brute Shot. It’s the best utility weapon in the game, and can be used in mid-range, close range much like a mauler, and can effectively drive away or even destroy vehicles. So I wanted to create a Brute Shot training ground, if you will. Suggested starting weapon is the Brute Shot (for the full experience). You will never be short on ammo on this map as they are littered all over the map. The 2nd place the inspiration for this map came from was Sketch (of Bungie) and his map Boxed In (Bungie Favorites). I like the idea of a symmetrical layout with 2 unique halves. Brute Project is like this…an “almost symmetrical†map. The basic layout is the horseshoe in Foundry with the open back blocked off about ½ way down. Each side has a unique 2 level interior with a unique 3 level structure at the back. Centered in between the 2 sides along the back wall is a lone-turret on a bridge, and some dividers. Spawning behind the turret 2 minutes (and every 2 after that) into the match is a Custom/Speed Powerup. Basically for 15 seconds you can rip through just about anyone with the turret. Both sides are balanced perfectly… so despite being different, they are equal.

    Weapons besides the Brute Shot are sparse. There is 1 BR and 1 Carbine per side, both with 0 extra clips. I still wanted there to be some variety, but the focus to be on the Brute Shot. Use those Rifles wisely, or pay the price. There is also 2 magnums per side, and one Shotgun centered in the single open box splitting the map in half. The basis behind the lack of weapons is that I wanted Brute Project to force players to work together to achieve their objective. Multi-Flag, Team Oddball and Team Crazy King all work phenomenally.

    B base
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    B Perch/teleporter
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    B tower front
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    B tower side/back
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    A base
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    A tower front
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    A tower back
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Base overview
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Turret/Power-up along back wall
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Hallway (notice the door slightly open…although a player cannot fit through, the flag can similar to Sidewinder and Isolation) and a coordinated strike can result in a quick flag cap
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    I would appreciate any and all constructive criticisms/reviews and I can’t wait to get some feedback. Enjoy!
  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I love the brute shot. One of my favorite games from Halo 2 was Brute Shots on Midship. I just wish Halo 3 still had the brute grenade ricochet feature.

    I personally don't care for you advertising your other maps in the thread, especially before you even describe the map. I think that if you're going to post those at all, it should be after the info for this map.

    And finally, where are the action shots? I'm sure if you tested a game or two here there would be some awesome screenshots. If I don't see any action shots, I usually assume no testing has taken place. But anyway, nice post.
  3. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    This looks great! I like the flag capture thing... I love brutes, too! D/L'ed.

    EDIT: That flag capture thing works on Iso? Where?

    Senior Member

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    yeh i miss the ricochet too. ill take your advice and remove the self-ads, thanks. And thats cool, you can think ive never tested it...i just think action shots take away from actually getting to know what the map is all about. But ill try and see if i can add some sometime in the future. Congrats on making weilder, by the way!
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Being Brute Captain I obviously like all things brute, but this map needs to be tidied. I got all excited when the title included Brute, but then I saw a great need for interlocking and straightening. I still like the map, it is just it needs work. - Brute Captain
  6. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    What! Why arent there any other brute weapons on the map like the spiker, grav hammer etc. It is still a great map none the less.

    -Nice Name
    -Nice Layout
    -Good Aesthetics
    -Nice Origin
    -Nice Creativity
    -GREAT map.


    -Nice Name= The maps name really seams to fit seeing how you set most of the weapons on the map to brute shots. Not only does the name fit but it really sounds cool, something that gets people's attention.

    -Nice Layout= The layout is very intriguing because of the symmetry and all of unique structures and ways of travel. The fact that you made it work with all of the game times is a nice bonus.

    -Pretty Good Aesthetics= Not only does the map play well and is symmetrical, but it looks pretty good. The way that the map was layout also impacts this factor. Little things like the positioning of the barrels to the angle of the double boxes give this map a nice feel. Although it could have been interlocked, it was not needed here. It is not perfect but hey, what map is?

    -Nice Origin= The back story of this map or the where it came from is also nicely done. Like the other factors that made this map great, the "Brute Project" really does grab your attention. Aside from the name the fact that you used Brute Weapons mostly is cool. The origin was so large that you could have made a nice backstory. Like scientists were experimenting on brutes or something and then they escaped and destroyed the facilty.

    -Nice Creativity= To the point-> Nobody has done this before, the layout itself is unique along with the concept.
  7. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Uh huh. Ok, so when is the sequel to this map going to be released? - Brute Captain
  8. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    i too love brute shots, ill download this. looks real fun :]

    Senior Member

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    Easy boys easy... the map needs work. We all know this, myself included.

    Note: Brute Project was made in the very early days of interlocking... before i knew about it. The map isnt supposed to WOW you with aesthetics, but more for strategic team play while brushing up your Brute Shot skills.

    Brute Captain...I dont really need you arguing over another member's opinion about how my map is bad. Hold your tongue please homie.

    and Maxwell... thanks for the post. The map does need work though, and even i wouldnt give myself that high of a grade for aesthetics. But Im really glad you enjoyed it. see ya round

    Toochie...thanks bud home you like it. Im always open for constructive criticism if you have any ofr me after you check it out.
  10. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Are you serious... ok, why would you flame me when this isnt your map, or mine? But like you said I will back up my comments like I am known for.

    -Nice Name= The maps name really seams to fit seeing how you set most of the weapons on the map to brute shots. Not only does the name fit but it really sounds cool, something that gets people's attention.

    -Nice Layout= The layout is very intriguing because of the symmetry and all of unique structures and ways of travel. The fact that you made it work with all of the game times is a nice bonus.

    -Pretty Good Aesthetics= Not only does the map play well and is symmetrical, but it looks pretty good. The way that the map was layout also impacts this factor. Little things like the positioning of the barrels to the angle of the double boxes give this map a nice feel. Although it could have been interlocked, it was not needed here. It is not perfect but hey, what map is?

    -Nice Origin= The back story of this map or the where it came from is also nicely done. Like the other factors that made this map great, the "Brute Project" really does grab your attention. Aside from the name the fact that you used Brute Weapons mostly is cool. The origin was so large that you could have made a nice backstory. Like scientists were experimenting on brutes or something and then they escaped and destroyed the facilty.

    -Nice Creativity= To the point-> Nobody has done this before, the layout itself is unique along with the concept.
  11. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    The flag capture thing is a good feature. I remember using it on Zanzibar and throwing the flag through the gate to a waiting warthog.
  12. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Sketch's "Boxed In" sucked, as such I am not downloading this map, despite my love of the Brute Shot.

    And interlocking could make your map a whole lot cleaner, as such I suggest you implement it into your map.

    Good try though.
  13. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Oh well, whatever, I still like this map. - Brute Captain
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    You said your piece, gave your opinion... then maxwell gave his. not sure what made you feel obligated to come back and rebuttal like that (yeh i said rebuttal). pretty tasteless act. Its sad Maxwell got under your skin with by hitting the quote button and typing "What!" to open his review. You are entitled to your opinion, and i appreciate the feedback, as i know Brute Project is nothing compared to numerous maps here at FH. But dont try and argue the quality of my map with other members... its a minor slap in my face, just drop it.
  15. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    looks good even though i don't particularly like the brute shot
  16. camero959

    camero959 Ancient
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    I dont like the brute shot... but ill download so that i can brush up on it... looks nice though
  17. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    making people rely on one weopon especially one that doesnt get a good ammount of use is usually really fun just like the paintball games were the often neglected plasma pistol became a big thing so this idea really appeals to me. whish the shots still bounced though as with all the corners on this map would have made its gameplay even beter.

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