This is my first map to be posted on forge hub it took me about 2 hours to make so if its not good tell me what I can improve on This is a huge ramp that gives you tons of air with a little present at the end... The Spawn Area Looking down Sheild door that bounces you to the ramp (You dont lose any speed when you hit the sheild door) Take Off! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! If any of you want to add me my gamertag is The Noobcakes lDownloadl
Certainley not very original, but fun nonetheless. You should also make the name something like ****** Xtreme. Now that would be cool.
welcome to forgehub! i like the map but it seems a bit basic. i dont under stand the point but it does look funny and you be fun to have a lot of people neer the coils. Edit: you should also go to forging 101 for any tips on how to make the map better, (interlocking/geomerging)
Wow, nice ramp, it looks very smooth. Although many ramps have been done before, this looks like one of the better ones. It's not original, but 3/5. By the way, I think this should be in the casual maps section since this isn't exactly a race track. It's more of a map just for fun.
hahahaha this map looks extremely basic, and many maps like this have been made. If you wan't to try to make yours look different or something, maybe make it so that you can change what type of trick you do off the ramp or something, I dunno.
Sick as ramp, seen a few, but this one would really give you air, overall 3/4.8 cause of no interlocking
seems very average. i saw little interlocking so it doesnt seem like a smooth ride to your death, if that is what the idea of the game is casue to be honest, im not to sure what the idea behinf this is. not an original idea either. average map dude, come up with somethin original and then get back to me