
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ryan_expert, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. ryan_expert

    ryan_expert Ancient
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    well i just recently finished this new map on foundry and I'm willing to say it right now, this is by far the best forge creation i've come up with so far. if you thought my Summit map was good (if you downloaded it), this map completely blows it out of the water.

    its a completely enclosed map with stairways, hidden rooms and fall to your death areas. the build itself is quite complex, but the actual map is really straight foward.

    unlike my last forge map, this one is totally playable on EVERY game type.

    i would have taken screenshots of the map, but it was a little too complex to give you a visual that way, so i went ahead and made a video of it on youtube. sorry if my voice sounds all nasally, my laptop microphone is crap.....besides, you can pretty much see everything im talking about..

    Unfortunately the new Forge hub setup has obliterated my post, if you should happen to visit this thread, you can just ignore it for now, ill have to fix it when i get back to my apartment in a few days. if you still wanna check out my map, just head on over to bungie.net and check out the screens and video from the post on there....LINK.
    #1 ryan_expert, Feb 28, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
  2. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    not too be mean but i know you said taking screenshots is too complex but still. You can still take screens. And the video has to be embed as well as the screens. Although your map looks quite good just fix up your post a bit.
  3. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    this map is actually pretty thought out. i like bouncing grenades off the doors a lot. Yeah i could see why screenshots wouldn't do this justice.
  4. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    OKay... instead of screens, embed the youtube video. Use


    EDIT: Looks great! Nice concept!
  5. ryan_expert

    ryan_expert Ancient
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    well ill see what i can do about the screens, its just this isnt a very open map, so people wouldnt be able to figure much out by screens, thats why i did the video. ill try to take some good ones though.

    also, i was actually trying to embed it, but i didnt know this sites special code to put it on here. sorry bout that, looks like someone else did it for me though. lol
  6. ryan_expert

    ryan_expert Ancient
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    lol, thanks for understanding. im still gonna try to get some screens up though. :)
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Well done *applaudes*
    I like the grenade bouncing wall ( a very innovative idea).
    The Rocket placement just made me cry *sobs*.
    it looks like a very well thought out map, did you have a gmaetype in mind when creating the map or did you just want to make a really fun map?
    Either way it is a great map. And no screenshots won't totally capture the beauty of the map either, the video was fine instead.
  8. ryan_expert

    ryan_expert Ancient
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    thanks alot man, i went ahead and put the video in my original post. at least now i know how to do it for next time. lol
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Really good idea.
    Really well thought, planned, and executed.

    You show real skill in forging, learn to interlock, its very simple and it will make your maps 100% better. - Its in Forging 101 In Forge discussion.

    Also put screenshots, learn to do that too because some people cant watch youtube videos, and some people dont want to.

    The pitfall is a great idea, really good, its good to see something new around here.
  10. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
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    looks interesting. Downloading now.
  11. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Bravo! You have done a phenominal job on planning this map. It has some elements that are quite unique to forge maps. The way you managed the death pits is great, making it seem like official mpas with little death areas. I am definately downloading. - Brute Captain
  12. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    definitely like this map! I really like the idea of bieng able to bounce nades off the doors. Smart thinking

    JASONYO Ancient
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    i will download this map just to delete everything to have those nodes that go under the level well done
  14. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    looks great! seems small though
  15. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Just to let you know, lintendo64 has a map named pitfall. I'd suggest renaming yours as his came, like, 2 months before yours... anyway, it looks like a great idea, I've been meaning to make a map one can fall off eventually....
  16. ryan_expert

    ryan_expert Ancient
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    thanks a lot, i really love the comments im getting! :)

    i know, that jump can be a little tricky, especially if you're in the heat of battle. lol

    well it really just started out trying to see if i could make a death pit really, then one idea lead to another, and then BAM....i had a vision.......or something like that. really though it was pretty unplanned, but after the level idea popped into my head, i thought it would be a fun map to play around on, and play a serious match on.
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    im impressed and i havent even downloaded it yet. ill get back to you in a bit.
  18. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    this is a great map but just one question where do you end up when you go through the pit?
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    first and foremost, wow. well done. I love this map. The layout is perfect and couldn't be done any designed any better. I love the fall to your death, its an element that has been seen before (namely lockout remakes), but never has it been executed so well. much of that goes to the fact that you can effectively cover all of the "fall space" with the teleporters, but still, pretty badass... good job. I like the sideways Rockets, and then fell in love when i saw the ball spawn and the territory markers on the sides of the walls. I finally mastered the drops from the top of the pit to the mid level, and from the mid level to the bottom level, and love the opportunities it has. its even possible to grenade jump up a level from right at the pit.

    This map is near flawless.

    Why didnt you interlock the floors? You really dont even need to do the walls, but the floors need it, and would make this map one of the elite, top few ive ever seen.

    The spawning needs work:
    - in symmetrical gametypes like CTF and Assault, all respawn points need to be designated either attackers or defenders.
    - use respawn areas more, both in slayer and Objective games... especially flag at home and flag away for CTF... this could mean flag at home spawning you closer to your own base, while flag at away spawning you more towards the middle of the map. The areas can even overlap too, which sometimes works really well.

    Equipment placement seemed a bit in my opinion. well not so much equipment placement, but the fact that the weapon placement was perfectly symmetrical but each side had a different piece of equipment. How come? In my opinion, I think it would be better suited with exactly symmetrical equip also (meaning type).

    One minor thing that is purely aesthetic is with the A and B signs. It may just be more a personal pet peeve, but i feel its important to have the arrows directing you towards what the sign says. For instance, there there a couple signs right next to each other pointing opposite ways, or in another spot 2 signs both pointing the wrong way (could be confusing when spawing). That is super picky i know but like i said its more of just a pet peeve.

    Im gonna give this map an 8/10, and say that if the floors were interlocked its an easy 9.5/10.
    The post is great with the video, I was impressed. And i dont think its necessary for pics since you have the embeded video, which is worth more than 100 screenshots. You seem like a dedicated forger and as such I really hope you do come back with an updated version of Pitfall. Its already one of my favorites, and I am super stoked to log some CTF matches here very soon

    EDIT: wow that was an essay... i guess thats what happens when its 130 and im hi....not sleepy?
  20. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    This looks like a really cool map I think it has an insanly complex concept nice work and good vid clip!

    Ohh and what is the party size.

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